• Save Sandfield House
    Sandfield house is a beacon of hope in our community for people who struggle with mental health issues, over the years it has helped countless individuals also their families have piece of mind knowing their loved one is safe and looked after.
    718 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mum Lydon-Jones
  • Save South Tyneside District Hospital
    Because the population of South Tyneside are struggling to get medical attention with shift of facilities from south shields to sunderland. The town of south shields becomes unsafe and unaccessible to live in. The elderly and chronic patients will have to shift from their beautiful town of south shields and move to sunderland to have an easy access to facilities, the town of south shields will become an unsafe place to live in specially in an emergency, the shut down of STFT will create more of unemployment, the nursing homes in south shields will have to slowly close down due to reduction of residents because who would prefer to live in a town with no access to health facilities. This is what happens to south tyneside if the departments of STFT are close down, eventually shutting down the only acute care facility in this town forever.
    457 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sujith Thankachan George
  • Get a pedestrian crossing for Lancaster Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire.
    This is very important because it is very dangerous & extremely busy. A mother with a child in a pushchair already had an accident there & there is nowhere safe to cross at all. I am sure if they don't do this soon, there could even be fatalities.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Louise Crisp
  • Demand Manchester City Council tackle antisocial parking & littering
    Parking in the centre of Manchester by commuters is causing obstructions, damage, dangers for pedestrians and emergency services and increasing the amount of litter in the area, thrown out of car windows and passsers by. A large amount of construction is occuring in the Ancoats area which is bringing more and more parking issues and litter with it. This issue extends to other areas such as Angel Meadow, Hulme and more.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Rushton Picture
  • Don't Shut Down Our One Stop Shops!
    John Biggs led Tower Hamlets Council is planning to shut down One Stop Shops in the borough which provide invaluable services to our residents, friends, family members and loved ones. This means there will no longer be face to face service about parking, housing benefits, council tax, welfare etc. for the local community in stand-alone One Stop Shops with their expert knowledge and expertise to help residents – many of whom would be vulnerable in a distressed situation or in need of help. Yet again, while the Labour Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs enjoys his own 11.7% salary increase – the residents’ services are being slashed and those most in need are left to fend for themselves. The rationale or ‘excuse’ provided is to move the service online which will alienate the elderly, those who do not use a computer, find reading a challenge, special needs or for whom the first language is not English. Separately, there are also concerns about data breaches or information being passed on to third parties using the new wi-fi model. There is a genuine fear that the face to face service will completely disappear even if any temporary stop-gap-measures or a promise to see complicated cases at future date was made initially to get the changes through now in order to manage any protest or to negate the complaints from the users, staff and others. I have raised this important issue with the council in detail and am awaiting further information and answers in relation to the concerns many residents and I share about this cut which will mean there will no longer be any stand-alone One Stop Shops in the borough. Please sign the petition and pass it on to your friend, families and those concerned so that we can put pressure on the Mayor and Council to stop this decision.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maium Miah Together We Can Picture
  • Keep Eastham Walk in Center open
    Wirral has four walk in centers at present, three are in Wallasey and Birkenhead (The North of the Wirral peninsula) and only one in Wirral South where there is an ageing population. It takes two bus rides and a five hour round trip to attend Arrowpark (nearest) from Eastham. The closure will result in more calls for ambulances and a greater strain on Arrowpark A&E triage services, and the risk of families and the elderly not being able to attend. This could lead to further complications and emergency cases. Once again the residents of Wirral South take the hit and are disregarded to bolster Birkenhead and the northen end of the Wirral. Please sign this petition, say NO to this closure and show your support in keeping our only facility in Wirral South open. Thankyou
    389 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Carubia Picture
  • Cabinet Minister for Disability
    Care & Disability deserve a place alongside Health and Education as one of the great offices of state. The UN recently described the plight of people with disabilities in Britain as a “human catastrophe”.The Equality and Human Rights Commission says disabled people are second-class citizens. Hit by cuts and a punishing assessment system many people with disabilities are in the fight of their lives. They feel marginalised and humiliated. We need a new approach and the best place to start is at the top. A junior minister in the DWP is the wrong person in the wrong place. Ask party leaders to show their commitment by appointing a Cabinet Minister. Sign the petition.
    2,607 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alain Catzeflis Picture
  • Parliamentary approval before privatising public assets
    Privatisation, especially of the NHS will put lives at risk and will have seriously negative impacts for those on lower incomes. Schools and hospitals should be there for the benefit of all UK citizens and using them to generate profit will only undermine the amazing service they currently offer.
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nick Gill Picture
  • Fermanagh Save our Services
    Our health is our most precious asset. Moves to close provision in South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen will force patients to undergo an unnecessary and lengthy journey to facilities which may be up to two hours drive away. There has been a huge amount invested (wasted on PFI) in our new hospital - it makes absolutely no sense to be paying huge sums for a fine hospital but with no services in it. After huge demonstration of people-power in response to the 'sham' pre-consultation exercise on Stroke services and the WHSCT six week consultation on brutal front-line health cuts it is clear the people of Fermanagh reject further service closures. Now that the WHSCT has performed a u-turn on its proposed emergency cuts we want to see a similar u-turn on the threat to SWAH's Stroke department. We also demand that those services not mentioned in the cuts consultation such as ENT, orthopaedics and Respiratory are maintained as they are and that Neonatal services which were subject to a temporary downgrading in 2014 but one which has never been lifted are restored to full operating status. In Fermanagh we pay our taxes and we work hard - longer hours than most parts of NI. We demand and deserve local, quality health services and decent social care provision for our most vulnerable. We demand local GP services that we can see quickly when needed and quality medical provision close enough to make the difference when we need it. Health services have been provided in our county for decades without a problem. It is only a problem now - we fear a crisis is being engineered to open the door for private medicine to make us pay for decent local services when we should be able to access them through the NHS. Hands off our NHS!
    1,069 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Donal O'Cofaigh Picture
  • Bring Back Bailey Park Swimming Pool #BringItBack
    A new swimming pool in Bailey Park, would not only benefit the people of Abergavenny itself, but also the people of Monmouthshire and even those further afield. It would serve as a strong attraction for visitors to Abergavenny and provide happy memories for our future generations.
    1,226 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Titchener
  • Save Brucehill Nursery's Head of Centre
    Mags Milloy has worked hard over the last 4 years to make Brucehill ELCC a wonderful place for young children to learn through play and begin their learning journey. She has forged strong relationships with families, taking special care to ensure the most vulnerable of families are supported. She takes time to get to know all the children within the nursery as individuals, enabling her to get it right for every child. She is respected by her team and has worked hard to support all those working within the nursery, both professional and personally. Her transfer will undoubtedly have a negative impact on staff well being and motivation, community links and most importantly the children attending, and those who will attend in future years.
    471 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Sobers
  • Save Notting Hill police station
    Notting Hill police station serves all of North Kensington and is situated less than a mile from the Grenfell Tower area. It has been, and still is, an important support centre for the residents and communities affected by the most devastating disaster this nation has experienced in decades. By closing the police station and relocating its staff 1.3 miles further south, people in the north of the borough will feel even more alienated. In addition, Portobello Road, the home of the world’s largest antiques market, is a few blocks from the station. It is visited by millions of Londoners and tourists each year. Also, Kensington and Chelsea has the second highest crime rate of all London boroughs. and of the current 73 police stations in London, Notting Hill is the 16th most visited by the public for reporting a crime. As the borough commander, Chief Superintendent Ellie O’Connor, said at a hastily organised public consultation meeting on 15 August: “If ever there is a time when we should be supporting this borough, it is now” – and keeping the only remaining policing station in the north of the borough is critical in achieving this. And what will happen to the old Victorian police station building if it is closed? The Chelsea police station was sold in December 2015 to a tax haven company for £40 million, which within just a few months sold it on to an investment company in the UAE for at least £50 million (the exact sales figure is a secret). That company plans to turn the site into yet another luxury flat development. We foresee a similar destiny for Notting Hill police station if it is sold as planned. Please sign this petition to save Notting Hill police station! In response to government cuts to the Metropolitan Police budget of £600 million since 2010, the number of police stations open to the public in London have already been reduced from 149 to 73. To resolve a further government budget reduction of £400 million during the next four years, it is now proposed to reduce those 73 to 32 – and Notting Hill police station is one of those proposed to be closed down and sold off. The Kensington police station would then be the only remaining police station in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. According to the budget cut proposal, all boroughs except Westminster will only retain one police station each. The loss of police stations is to be compensated by the creation of a better police website and by providing each ward with two patrolling ward officers instead of one. However, these will only patrol their wards during office hours. We therefore demand that the RBKC Council lobbies central government for funds to keep Notting Hill police station open.
    2,973 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Frame