• Ensure that new taxpayer funded drugs are available for all.
    Increasingly new drugs for many diseases and illnesses are only available at a very high cost to the NHS. This is despite the fact that many new drugs are funded wholly or partially by the taxpayer and charities research. We are calling on the Secretary of State to ensure that all new drugs where the research and development is paid for wholly or partially by the taxpayer or by charities are made available to all. Taxpayer-funded drugs 'too expensive for patients’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41693246
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Farrelly Picture
  • Life Saving Defibralators in Every Business with Employees
    Imagine your Mum, Dad or family members heart stopping at work, the chances of them surviving the 7 minutes for the ambulance are 30%. If the ambulance takes 9 minutes they only have a 10% chance of surviving! These odds are terrible. If a colleague can administer a defibrillator shock within 2 minutes, their chance of survival is 80%! Anyone can use a defibrillator and it wont shock unless it is correct to do so.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Hurlock
  • Increase funding for the NHS through increasing taxation by 1p in the £
    The NHS is essential to the U.K.- it is at danger of ceasing if a commitment to increasing its funding does not occur immediately and sanctioned by the forthcoming budget.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Vernon
  • Basic first aid to become part of the National Curriculum
    Lives could be saved and injuries could be lessened if everyone was aware of even the most basic of first aid. From nose bleeds to broken bones, concussion to knife injury, if people knew the 1st steps, basic ‘what to do’ in a situation whilst waiting for paramedics, further injury or trauma could be minimised.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ali Edge
  • Save Heysham Swimming Pool.
    Cllr Margaret Pattison, Cllr Janice Hanson, Cllr Darren Clifford and Cllr David Whittaker are very concerned with living in a seaside area such as Morecambe and Heysham that children should have a local pool to learn to swim. The pool has 54.000 visitors a year with 16 schools using the pool for swimming lessons and groups helping people to keep fit and healthy, if closed this would effect the health and safety of the people in Morecambe.
    1,066 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Margaret Pattison.
  • Referendum on the final terms on which the UK will leave the European Union
    The EU referendum represented a low point in post war UK democratic politics. Only now are problems coming to the fore that were not considered in the referendum and not debated at the time. Oeople did not know the consequences of them and Brexit impact reports are being unacceptably hidden from the people. This is unacceptable and we need a final decision when we know exactly what Brexit means and that means the full terms of an any deal.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roman Haluszczak
  • Carbon labels on supermarket foodstuffs
    Similar to Reference intakes which you see on food in the supermarket, this would allow for more consumer choice. In this instance it would allow for consumer choice when it comes to the carbon footprint of you diet. It is also really important in helping to inspire and motivate retailers to worry about the carbon footprint of their produce. For example ,if it becomes clear that UK people (when supplied with enough information) will prefer local produce over 'larger' or 'better looking' international produce which come with huge airmiles and carbon footprints - then this will motivate supermarkets to act on this. Clearly the UK has issues related to our carbon footprint and related global warming outcomes. This is compounded when linked to the issue of food waste.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liam Pryle
  • Save Tylorstown Swimming Pool
    It’s essential that Tylorstown and the wider community of the Rhondda Fach Keep this pool. We have seen closure after closure a loss of services and amenities. We have very poor transport links so it can be difficult to travel to other pools. The loss of the the pool will be detrimental to the children and residents of Tylorstown- other options must be considered.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anna Jones
  • Ban pro lifers from protesting outside hospital
    This is important because if pro life protests target abortion clinics it could cause a woman who wishes to seek an abortion, to be too scared to attend appointments because of fear of judgement and condemnation. This could have disastrous consequences for her. Abortion is legal in this country therefore these protests are infringing on a woman's right to choose. This is important because these protests invade on a safe space. A space that is much needed for women
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Paintin
  • Accurate testing and fair treatment for people with chronic Lyme disease
    Recently, a number of high-profile people have been complaining that they have a chronic form of the disease that resists treatments and persists with severe symptoms - but such a condition is not widely accepted by doctors. Others have talked about Lyme disease being under-diagnosed or being the root cause of other illnesses. But the idea of a Lyme infection that is not completely treated and lingers for years is controversial. Most doctors say that the vast majority of people with the disease, if caught early, can be treated completely with just a short course of antibiotics. "There is no consensus over whether chronic Lyme actually exists. This needs to change. Many patients with Lyme disease remain ill after antibiotic treatment or receive no treatment at all due to doctors who treat them poorly, refuse to diagnose or Misdiagnose as other diseases. Thousands of people suffer daily, Some misdiagnosed as other illnesses after a weak- positive or negative test. Often health professionals ignore history of symptoms leading them to treat themselves in pain with no ongoing support. Lyme disease & associated co-infections can be often misdiagnosed as ME/Chronic fatigue syndrome /rheumatoid arthritis or mental illness. We need to understand why some patients respond to treatment and others don’t. We also need to understand how Lyme disease progresses, how co-infections affect the illness, how the disease is transmitted, and which treatments are the most effective. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for patients with Lyme disease based on fair and affordable treatment /testing with doctors that are knowledgeable on the disease and its Co-infections.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Cockshott
  • Cycle helmets to be made compulsory
    Our children,wives and husbands are the most precious things in the world and wearing a cycle helmet should be like putting a seatbelt on in a car so why is not the case that this isn't a law.
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Mumby-croft
  • Reduce PIP stress for Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease. It largely affects synovial joints, which are lined with a specialised tissue called synovium. RA typically affects the small joints of the hands and the feet, and usually both sides equally and symmetrically, although any synovial joint can be affected. It is a systemic disease and so can affect the whole body, including the heart, lungs and eyes.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease of ups and downs. One day, your joints feel pretty good. The next your joints are swollen and in pain and you can barely get out of bed. These symptom episodes – called flares – can be unpredictable and debilitating. Flares come in two varieties, Predictable” flares have a known trigger. For example, you decide to clean your house from top to bottom one day, overdo it and end up with swollen, stiff joints the next day. Overexertion, poor sleep, stress or an infection like the flu can all set off RA symptoms. Blood samples are used to measure levels of the stress hormone cortisol as well as inflammatory cytokines -- including TNF-alpha and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) -- believed to play a key role in RA severity. Test have shown that patients who have a tendency for more worrying are reported to have slightly more disease activity, more swollen joints and more pain after during and after a stressful event. Approximately one third of people stop work because of the disease within 2 years of onset, and this prevalence increases thereafter.While RA isn’t fatal, complications can shorten your lifespan by roughly 10 years. However, it’s important to note that disease progression varies greatly from person to person. People who test positive for RF and anti-CCPs tend to progress at a faster rate. Improvements need to be put in place to assist people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis to not have to have stress factors increased which can then in turn exasperated their immune system to raise inflammation and cause further damage and incapacity.
    1,538 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sara Burton