I speak as a tenant of Westminster City Council - to which my landlord had hired a notoriously reckless and dangerous electrical company {{OAKRAY LIMITED}} as their contractor (6 years ago, approx). And there is *no doubt* that the landlord was *fully aware* of how *bad* this company actually are, due to their widely known reputation and very low customer ratings. But yet, despite this, they still hired them. And it is clear that they hired them for just the *ONE* reason only - that they were the {{{CHEAPEST}}} option available - because they have {{{NOTHING ELSE}}} going for them. All they ever do is cause {{{DAMAGE}}} with every job they do around the area, and then a more reputable company has to come out and *fix* their damage and blundering everywhere they have been.  By now It has gone way beyond a joke, but yet the council *still insists* on *keeping* them and are also *defending* them regardless of *anything* they do wrong. And they *refuse* to see *reason* - hence Oakray still continues to run amok. However, more {{{SHOCKINGLY}}} they (WCC) have this policy (which I have witnessed within a written document) that they do not investigate on their own *criminal activity*!!! And even the police cannot investigate them either. Plus most lawyer's firms don't want to know (it's an insane situation).  This awful/rotten business with Westminster's involvement with *Oakray* first began when the Government made a decision to implement electrical safety checks to Council tenants to which landlords had to comply (by law). But obviously the Council did not want the *expense*, which had resulted in their hiring this wretched company *Oakray*, due to their *cheapness*. Following this, the *worst* thing happened - they came to my flat (back in 2018) for the purpose of doing a *safety* check, but all they did was just rip out the Earth-connection from my circuit-board and run - which was the most *dangerous/lethal* thing to do within an AC electrical supply. This resulted in a *reverse-polarity* (otherwise known as a hot-neutral-reverse) of my electricity supply, in which everything was running haywire and my boiler was also shorted out - which left me without heating (in the freezing cold of winter). And I am battling a chronic illness/disablement. And so this was a nightmare. They came to do a *safety* check and turned my flat into a {{{DEATHTRAP}}} (it was perfectly safe before they entered). And the landlord had left me in this *dangerous* situation for {{{FIVE MONTHS}}} before fixing this damage. And I only survived this danger through *LUCK* alone - not any help/assistance from *them*!!! In this case what was done to me was *criminal*, on the part of all concerned.  I did in-fact submit a formal complaint at that time (well within their time limitation) but it was *evaded* and swept under the rug. And I was not given any *redress* nor *justice* for all the *misery* I was put through, plus I could quite easily have lost *my life*. But much later when I tried to push forward with my complaint, they used the *excuse* that it was outside of their deadline - even despite the *gravity* of this case. However, if this experience, alone, wasn't horrid and unpalatable enough, the problems I am having with Oakray have not gone away, and still continue to this day - eg, for all these years down the line, since then, they have been going into the electrical intake cupboard on the ground floor of my communal block and had ripped out my TV ariel connection, on *numerous* occasions - with the last incident being less than a fortnight ago. But yet WCC don'tgive a damn. The situation is that whilst they have reckless *Oakray* out there doing jobs and causing so much damage, *no-one* will be safe - because they are a dangerous liability and a major accident waiting to happen.     
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Mitchell
  • Save our ancient and old Oak Trees
    The natural world and the impact to the environment and beauty of the Slough canal will be affected along with plants flowers and all species of animals who live here. We are trying to save a beautiful area from destruction. The canal was built over 142 years ago and we must preserve this heritage for the future.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ranjit Kooner
  • test campaign with multiple partners
    This means that each partner can have their own version of the petition to grow their mailing list with, or we can share a version with everyone's opt-in on it. 
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Priestley Picture
  • Public Register of Sewage treatment plants capacities
    This would ensure that members of the public are aware of what is actually happening in their area. It would confirm if treatment plants are over or near capacity. This would ensure that when new building works are being proposed members of the public and local government have all the information needed to make an informed decision. It would also show the government where new builds could be safely built, without harm to the people and the environment. At the moment there is only population capacity treatment data available through the Environment Agency. This only includes population, we need to know how many businesses are also on each sewage treatment plant. Lastly, we need to know how the treatment plant is performing, when was maintenance last performed and what are its issues. 
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Houldershaw
  • Reinstate free TV licences for over 75s
    Over 75's are an important part of our communities and contribute so much with their experience and knowledge which they share with others. An increasing amount are struggling with household bills and cuts to services which they rely on. A free TV licence would at least mean one less bill to worry about and give them comfort and company when they are alone.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Cooper Picture
  • Raise the minimum wage and keep it in line with inflation
    For too long the minimum wage has not kept in line with inflation. Our rents, utility bills and cost of food have soared while minimum wages have not risen enough to compensate. This has meant that many people (especially young people) are forced to work long hours while struggling to pay thier rent and utility bills.  Please urge the government to raise the minimum wage so that people on low incomes can afford to live without having to work ridiculously long hours.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Hunt
  • Urgently Invite Trhas For Her Asylum Interview So She Can Compete At World Championships
    Time is running out as there is only 5 weeks before she must register for the event. She has been waiting for her interview for the best part of a year and it's overdue. Many people who claimed asylum after her are getting their interviews and granted asylum. It's her turn.
    1,203 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joanne MacInnes
  • A new bus route from St Paul's Cray to Bromley
    This will enable St Paul's Cray residents to travel directly by bus to the main town in the borough.  At present people have to either go by train, which is expensive or by car.  As the public transport route is either expensive or long, most people travel by car.  We want to see affordable alternatives to help reduce traffic and offer more choice.  At present to go to Bromley from St Paul's Cray you have to either go to Sidcup or Orpington, making the time it takes, far too long, a direct route will help reduce bus timesand increase use of public transport.
    557 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Chris Price
  • Disabled people who CAN work can't get a job due to discrimination! This needs to stop!
    Because despite nearly 30 years of voluntary work experience, every time I apply for a proper PAID job, I get rejected because I can't work long hours. evenings or weekends due to having support workers. Fuck off about equality, it does not exist.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rich Allen
  • Safe Homes, Not Hotels: Move Asylum Seekers Out of Hotels Targeted by Far Right
    We are a group of asylum and refugee organisations working directly with vulnerable and scared people, asylum seekers and refugees, accommodated in Home Office hotels across the country.  Over the past eight days, our clients have been terrorised, re-traumatised and further dehumanised by organised far-right racist violence, unfolding on our streets and across our country, leaving communities at risk.  Asylum seekers, refugees and wider communities of colour are scared for their lives, alongside our colleagues who support them, as many non-governmental organisations are being targeted by the far-right. The far-right can not and must not be allowed to dictate how and where asylum seekers and refugees are housed. The failed policy of housing asylum seekers and refugees in hotels has been a gift to the far-right and those scapegoating vulnerable people, protected under international law, for racist and political violence.  The isolation of these hotels and the stigmatisation of asylum seekers and refugees housed in this way has allowed their further dehumanisation and segregation from wider society.  This must end now.  Dangerous disinformation about asylum hotels has spread online and in real life, leading to the devastating consequences we are seeing. The Home Office must reclaim false narratives back from the far-right and centre the humanity, dignity and lived experiences of asylum seekers and refugees.  Refugees and asylum seekers deserve safe homes, not hotels. 
    10,552 of 15,000 Signatures
  • Mental Health Sufferers Should Not Have To Contribute From Their PIP For Their Care!
    Mental Health Sufferers should not have to contribute from their PIP or universal credit for their care.  Those with mental health issues are being failed by the current system, as they can not afford to contribute towards much needed care, such as carers and enablers, they are being left behind, with little or no chance of getting back into society, and contributing to our society in the future! 
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Jenkins
  • Exclude Elon Musk from the UK
    This is important because he is a key player in inciting disorder. In particular, he has played an active role in spreading disinformation in the UK after the recent tragic events in Southport. His involvement is not an isolated case. His Twitter/X platform is not merely a place for free speech but a deliberate way for Elon Musk to exercise power over national governments across the world.
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Scott Barrett