• Do not abolish FA Cup replays
    FA cup replays are vital to the success of the FA Cup. The most famous football competition in the world has thrived from having the unexpected moments that come from a cup replay. The decision deprives lower league clubs of a much-needed source of revenue, if they were to get a lucrative home game against a Premier League team or earn a replay away at the likes of Old Trafford or Anfield.
    21 of 100 Signatures
  • ITV: No political ads on our TVs!
    Imagine watching Coronation Street and being interrupted by Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer on your screen. Well, it could happen soon as Labour and the Conservatives gear up to spend millions more than ever before on ads, and ITV bosses are considering using a loophole to rake in the cash. For the first time in British TV history we could see American-style political ads all over the telly, because our laws that ban party ads haven’t been updated since streaming services like ITVX were invented. Sky, Channel 4, Amazon Prime and Netflix don’t accept these ads despite the loophole. ITV bosses are just considering this right now. If we don’t act quickly, they could start a race to the bottom. If we accept political ads on one channel, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes standard and our democracy will be in the hands of parties backed by wealthy donors who can buy up advertising space on our favourite shows.
    8,493 of 9,000 Signatures
  • Say No to Desalination in St Austell Bay
    The proposed desalination plant will be totally detrimental to both the marine and land environment. It will use significantly more energy than other means of securing water and be more expensive to run and increase our water bills.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Argent
  • Don't link children's access to food with "Attitude to Learning" at School.
    ATL is a system which monitors a range of factors including a child’s engagement in their learning and their learning resilience. The system should be used as a tool for supporting children's growth and development. It is effectively being used in this instance as a form of reward and punishment with respect to access to food. We recognise that there is a need to manage canteen overcrowding at break-time. However, using the ATL is the wrong way to do it. 1. ATL scores should remain private between pupils, families, and teachers. The headmaster of Dorothy Stringer school has written that those with high ATL’s are celebrated in assemblies. We presume that those with low ATL’s are not shamed in assemblies, yet this is what is effectively happening in the canteen queue, where children’s ATL scores are broadcast in front of their peers and staff. Those with lowest ATL’s have equal hunger as their peers but will always be last in the break queue. As well as shaming children, this is hugely damaging for a child’s self-esteem and of course children with lower self-esteem are less likely to try their best. So, this system worsens the behaviour which it seeks to address. 2. The system could have negative impacts on children who have disordered eating
    373 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Robert Woods
  • Get ID, Get a Vote - are you election ready?
    New rules mean you now need specific photo ID to vote in person in UK elections. The Government’s changes to voting rules - which will be enforced at May’s local elections for the first time - means that millions of us are at risk of being locked out of having our say. And worst of all, most don’t even know it! We can’t stop the Government’s new rules from going ahead but, together, we CAN make sure as many of us as possible know about the changes, so we can still make our vote count. If each of us reading this told three friends or family about the change, word would spread across the country in no time.
    25,968 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by The Mirror Picture
  • Scrap Fujitsu’s new Government contract
    The Post Office scandal is one the greatest ever miscarriages of justice. Yet reports suggest Fujitsu - whose software is behind the Post Office scandal - have just been handed a new Government contract. They promised they wouldn’t bid for contracts until the Post Office Inquiry was finished - but according to reports of leaked documents, they’ve been training staff on how to bid despite the ban. We have to act quickly to stop those responsible from being given any more of our money while the victims are still waiting for compensation. It was our people power that got Paula Vennells to hand back her CBE - now it’s time to hold those to blame accountable again.
    17,439 of 20,000 Signatures
  • Save Phoenix House Community Centre
    Phoenix House and The Bus Shelter Kent Community Hub need your help. Please could you sign this petition so that the people of Swale can keep Phoenix House. KCC are trying to sell it. There are very few community centres in Sittingbourne as KCC are selling them off or closing them down. The community are running out of spaces for local clubs to be held. It is currently being used by The Bus Shelter Kent Community Hub which is a local homeless charity, food and clothes bank for the homeless and vulnerable of Swale. It is a life line for many families in this area. Please will you help me by signing this petition and getting justice for the community and those who really need the community centre. Thank you. I really appreciate your help. Kind regards Leigh
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Leigh Bacon
  • Ice Rink in Devon
    It is a truly happy place to be especially in winter months and that experience has been taken away from many families.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Gray
  • Stop selling weapons to Isreal
    We want to be a proud nation that hold high moral values and would be highly respected by the people of this world
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ullas Patel
  • Thames water
    This your health, your families health at risk for an essential service the responsibility of which could be recognised as being met by basic government tax not as an afterthought.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Shopland
  • Re-open MEEKA WINES
    100,000 signatures and this will be discussed in parliament. Most important issue in UK right now. Sign immediately. You know it makes sense.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lak Deol
  • Children’s’ vaping and premature death
    As stated in the previous letter, anyone who thinks this problem should no longer be ignored and feels compelled to act to prevent this terrifying problem from reaching such proportions that it becomes too late to do anything.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek McCamlie