We need our postal serviceOur postal service has gone down hill due to a mix of inept senior management , lack of investment in the basic requirements and threats to our letter day to day deliveries. If we lose Royal Mail - what do we have?- sometime we posties are the only ones people see, sometimes we are the only ones they have to listen to them- this has been taken away in favour of algorithms and monitoring in order to create a better return for shareholders and senior management. Help us to keep Royal Mail - 500 year old company30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frances Thomas
Don't Scrap Replays: Keep the Magic of the FA Cup!For more than 150 years the FA Cup has provided some of the most memorable moments in sporting history. Football fans relish the David and Goliath battles between the smaller clubs and the Premier League giants. The shock upsets at the hands of giantkiller are one of the reasons why the Cup is the world’s most admired domestic tournament. But the Cup could be stripped of its magic because of the actions of the Football Association. Without proper consultation the FA has decided to scrap replays. We are calling on the FA to rethink this decision. Replays are a vital source of revenue for lower league and non league clubs. The money they receive from the gate and TV rights can be the difference between survival or bankruptcy. By caving into the demands of the big clubs, the FA is not just betraying the smaller ones. It is betraying communities across the country who are brought together through their love of their local team. They need to hear from us - the fans - that these plans cannot go ahead. A huge public backlash could force them to change their mind.10,892 of 15,000 Signatures
Save BOAT (Brownsea Open Air Theatre)Members of the public are very upset that the annual summer performance will no longer be held at the island. The magic of outdoor theatre combined with the boat journey home is one of the highlights of the summer for many Dorset residents. It brings in a lot of money to the island. Some of the sweetness of the ticket price is that it is going to the national trust which is a great cause. Even if performances continued elsewhere, nothing can replicate the magic of travelling to and from the island and a lazy afternoon picnic before watching theatre in the beautiful surroundings of Brownsea Island.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ochre Primrose
Brighton & Hove Council: SEND us a Break!Children and Young People and their Parents and Carers urgently need this provision to be in place and accessible to all before the summer holidays start at the end of July 2024 so that children and young people can engage in meaningful activities when they are not at school or college, so that parents and carers can work, and so that parents and carers can have a break from their caring role. Since the closure of Extratime in 2023, the local authority has failed to produce a plan of action to provide short breaks and holiday activities for all children with SEND, the little that has been offered is not suitable for those with complex needs who need 1:1 support. This is contrary to the local authority’s legal duties and leaves Children and Young People and their families in crisis and struggling to cope. Without having adequate provision in place many families will not cope with the summer holidays and without adequate provision to allow parents to work parents may lose their jobs and many families will be plunged into financial and family crisis. This is likely to cost the local authority more in the long term if families in crisis results in more emergency placements for children and young people being required.1,383 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Helen Irving
FUNDING FOR BISHOPS CASTLE MEDICAL PRACTICEThe surgery does not only cover Bishops castle but many surrounding areas. It is a 60mile round trip by car to the nearest hospital and a 2hr round trip at least by bus. Those with medical conditions would be unable to travel by bus and if they have no vehicle would be unable to travel - what then?1,042 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sue Cieciora
Stop fines for taking your children on holiday in school termImagine not taking your child out of school to make memories and then losing them in their 2nd year of primary school. Before we found out about Jayden's cancer we had letters about his attendance that it was far to low (87%) and he shouldn’t miss anymore time. I am so glad I never worried about his attendance and I made it a priority to make memories as a family. I understand learning is important for children, but so is soaking up as much time as you can while there young, life is far to short to be worried about them missing the odd week here and there after Covid I don’t think they could really complain about children's attendance at least till they hit at least year 9 in secondary! Make the memories while you can, tomorrow is never promised! I lost my son to cancer at the age on 6 years old. If I never took him out of school I’d never have the memories I do with him. Memories are just as important as getting an education and unfortunately for some families it’s not financially feasible in the school holidays so many families miss out.65,999 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Chelsea Johnson
Clean Up Our Kids Route to SchoolKids deserve a safe and pleasant walk to school. Many Chatsworth pupils walk to school down the alleyway near Hounslow Station which is surrounded by bags of rubbish, food waste and flytipped waste. These piles of rubbish look disgusting and I believe they are attract rats and other vermin. I believe they are a health and safety hazard. I contacted Network Rail but received no reply. I believe I am being ignored my and nothing is being done to address this issue. They must act now!97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Littlewood
EV charging in the UK sucks! Make accommodation providers offer chargers where guests park at night.To encourage adoption of Electric Vehicles reliable charging infrastructure is required outside of the typical commutes to work and home, in particular where vehicles are parked overnight.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laurie MacKay
Benefit cuts for people with disablities and scrapping sick notesThe prime minster has decided to get universal credit cut for people that suffer with anxiety and depression. I am on universal credit and pip and i suffer anxiety attacks with no warning. I also have Essential tremor and ibs. Because disabled people need to be noticed that they are not being awkward, difficult or attention-seeking. We are just trying to take things from day to day and it would help if people stood up for us more3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by joanne Church
EU Youth Mobility SchemeDon’t make our young people suffer for the past mistakes made by the government and let’s implement this so they can still have the opportunity to travel and work in the EU without visas. This is a generous offer from the EU, which has been rejected out of hand for petty or unexplained reasons to appease older voters needs rather than those of youth and our future. Anand Menon, a professor of European politics and foreign affairs at King’s College London and director of UK in a Changing Europe, said: “Clearly there is a debate to be had about the costs and the benefits of a youth mobility scheme, but I find it utterly depressing that both of the major political parties, one of which will form a government after the next election, do not know the difference between free movement and a limited youth mobility scheme which involves visas.”16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Camellia Kelly
Do not abolish FA Cup replaysFA cup replays are vital to the success of the FA Cup. The most famous football competition in the world has thrived from having the unexpected moments that come from a cup replay. The decision deprives lower league clubs of a much-needed source of revenue, if they were to get a lucrative home game against a Premier League team or earn a replay away at the likes of Old Trafford or Anfield.21 of 100 Signatures
ITV: No political ads on our TVs!Imagine watching Coronation Street and being interrupted by Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer on your screen. Well, it could happen soon as Labour and the Conservatives gear up to spend millions more than ever before on ads, and ITV bosses are considering using a loophole to rake in the cash. For the first time in British TV history we could see American-style political ads all over the telly, because our laws that ban party ads haven’t been updated since streaming services like ITVX were invented. Sky, Channel 4, Amazon Prime and Netflix don’t accept these ads despite the loophole. ITV bosses are just considering this right now. If we don’t act quickly, they could start a race to the bottom. If we accept political ads on one channel, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes standard and our democracy will be in the hands of parties backed by wealthy donors who can buy up advertising space on our favourite shows.8,491 of 9,000 Signatures
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