Because it would be the best birthday gift to dolly and it would mean she has an even deeper connection to the song
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isabella Not saying
  • Protect Vulnerable Children!
    Other people should join to help protect young children affected by dug gangs. Not only to keep them safe but their well-being.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Pretty
  • Save Wollaton Hall
    Wollaton Hall, Gardens and Deer Park in particular are considered by many as the 'Crown Jewels' of the 'Queen of the Midlands' and must be maintained as a community asset for future generations to enjoy.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Robinson Picture
  • Help Protect Trans Teens and Young Adults in the UK
    Many children and young adults are subject to extreme bullying, attacks, verbal and mental abuse and homestead nonacceptance as well as having to battle body dysphoria and other mental illnesses due to the aforementioned discrimination. Also puberty blockers have stopped being issued to trans children in a “life saving” attempt by the NHS but it will actually further the discourse in trans affirming care . We need urgent action to stop and prevent all hate crimes and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ students and young people and guaranteeing and safer and better future for all involved.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alyx Byrchmore
  • Hands Off Havannah
    Thousands of luxury houses have been built on green fields and floodplains across Newcastle Great Park over the last 20 years, with local communities forced to battle for vital infrastructure such as shops, doctors and schools. Development has been allowed where development should not have been allowed, for example directly adjacent to Havannah and Three Hills Local Nature Reserve (LNR), where hundreds of mature trees and established hedgerows have been ripped out and wildflower meadows lost from the Ouseburn Catchment wildlife corridor, all because of Persimmon Homes and Taylor Wimpey’s relentless pursuit of profit. Not content with destroying habitat around the nature reserve, Newcastle Great Park Consortium is now looking to take land from INSIDE the nature reserve. Planning application 2022/1131/01/DET would see trees and vegetation removed along the public right of way that runs directly through the LNR, from the Three Hills car park to the Great Park to make way for a new ‘strategic route’, as well as additional tree, hedgerow and scrub removal in the Ouseburn Catchment wildlife corridor. This route would be lit with huge street lights, which would extend through the nature reserve and around the perimeter of the southern boundary of the reserve, lighting it up like a beacon. Artificial light at night is harmful to wildlife and disrupts breeding and feeding patterns in amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants. In 2018, Chris Packham visited Havannah as part of his ‘Nature Reserves Are Not Enough’ campaign, highlighting the need to protect land outside of nature reserves for wildlife. What would this vociferous campaigner say if he knew there were now plans to develop INSIDE the nature reserve? We are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, with two million species at risk of extinction globally and 1 in 6 species at risk of extinction in the UK. Locally we have felt these losses too, as wildlife habitats are being fenced off, eaten away and bulldozed. Havannah has already been well and truly hemmed in. Wildlife cannot exist in isolated pockets and fragmented landscapes. We cannot allow greedy developers to profit at nature's expense. In July 2022, Newcastle City Council pledged to take local measures to prevent the loss of and to enhance biodiversity. These plans, if approved, would undermine Newcastle City Council's commitments to the natural environment and its legal duty to actively conserve and enhance biodiversity. Local wildlife would be dealt yet another devastating blow. We must stand against this latest stab at inflicting widespread loss of biodiversity, at a time when we should be protecting it the most. If enough people sign this petition, we can send a clear message that Newcastle's nature reserves are not for the taking.
    1,105 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Newcastle Wildlife Picture
  • Save the Whitchurch Household Recycling Centre
    Closure of the household recycling centre in Whitchurch would result in a round trip of between 1 and 2 hours to reach other recycling centres, none of which are nearby. I believe that would significantly increase the likelihood of fly tipping. This would also Increase traffic on local roads and affect air pollution due to the significant round trip journey times to other centres. Local disabled people would be disproportionately disadvantaged. It also contributes to the erosion of local infrastructure at a time when significant new residential development is taking place.
    3,727 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Preston
  • Stop promotion of Vapes in Barnes Post Office
    The Barnes community was really happy when our local post office reopened along with a Morrisons shop. It was a welcome addition to our town. However, we are all shocked at the blatant marketing of vapes to young people. The colourful stand of vapes is directly facing the glass door of the shop (seen from the street) offering an array of sweet flavoured Vapes such as strawberry and mint. These colourful, flavoured vapes are attractive and enticing to children. Children's doctors say vaping may cause long-term damage to young people's lungs, hearts and brains. The vapour inhaled contains a small amount of chemicals, including the addictive substance nicotine. It is well know and well researched that nicotine: - is highly addictive - can cause anxiety and depression - can cause bronchitis - leads to lung damage (which can be life threatening) Vaping also exposes the user to cancer-causing chemicals.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Mold
  • 'Claw back' all money paid to 'legal professionals' in the Prosecution of the Sub-Postmasters
    The Court of Appeal held that the prosecution of sub-post masters by Post Office Limited between 2003 and 2013 was an abuse of process and an “affront to justice”. This affront to justice was wielded by a body of self regulated 'legal professionals', funded by the Public Purse. A legal professional has a duty to recognise and be transparent where there is a clear shortfall in evidence. Equally, a Judge is duty bound to inquire if something was stolen, where did it go? This is to ensure that an intangible, i.e.: a number in a database correlates with something real and tangible. We would expect to recover in excess of £300,000,000, which would be usefully employed in assisting all of those harmed, to re-build their lives. Real Justice for all.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ian swinglehurst
  • Resident parking on terrier close.
    Keeping the street safe and prevent damage to cars and pavements!
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kieran Lawson
  • Adequate Bike Storage for the Eric & Treby Estates
    Cycling is a low-cost way of getting around London. It is important to ensure that cycling is as accessible as possible. Many people also use cycling as a source of income, as delivery riders for the likes of Uber Eats and Deliveroo. For people who make a living from cycling, having access to secure bike storage means securing their livelihood. Cycling is also by far the most sustainable form of transport. Given the challenges we are facing with the climate, it is important that the barriers to sustainable changes are reduced as much as possible.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Fox
  • Install a safe crossing at West End, Brasted
    As you may have noticed, the lack of a pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road poses a serious risk to the safety of pedestrians, including children going to the school bus stop, elderly individuals, dog walkers going over to the rec and families. With the increasing traffic flow in our area, crossing the road has become increasingly hazardous, especially during peak hours. To address this issue and ensure the safety of all residents, I am proposing the installation of a safe pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road. This will not only enhance the safety of pedestrians but also contribute to the overall well-being of our community. Protect our children getting to school safely as well as families and dog walkers accessing the recreation park safely and protect our Village from speeding drivers and HGV’s entering the village. We have the right to live in a safe village. If you share our commitment to pedestrian safety and would like to support this initiative, please sign the online petition below. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your support in making our neighbourhood a safer place for everyone.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steve Shippey
    NHS dentistry is broken and we need a plan to fix it. 12 million people are unable to get NHS dental treatment, nearly half our kids are no longer getting checkups, and DIY dentistry is becoming commonplace. We're struggling to get these services, but incredibly the Government have announced a hike in NHS dental charges from 1 April 2024. This hike is a slap in the face for hard-pressed families. It won’t put a penny in to bring NHS dentistry back from the brink - and the Government is asking the public to pay more for less of a service. Instead of hiking NHS fees, it’s time the government to come up with a proper plan to fund NHS dentistry for all.
    92,476 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by The British Dental Association and The Mirror