• Age Limit For Apprentices.
    It will enable so many unemployed people who are above the age of 25 and those who want to change their jobs to do it with ease,without incurring huge expenses which they are not able to meet.Some people have been stuck for life in dead end jobs which they are not able to leave,because they have no means to.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sikhulile Nyathi
  • Better working conditions for the Qatar World Cup workers
    Their upsetting deaths go unheard and their poor working conditions, long hours of labour in the blazing heat without enough breaks, are all justified by the end result of this majestic, glorious stadium. But little do we know that the the stadium is being built on a graveyard of human bodies. The World Cup workers, who are mostly migrants from neighboring countries desperate for work, are enduring potentially life-threatening heat and humidity resulting in the deaths of hundreds of dedicated workers. The temperatures are of course inevitable, but the lack of statutory breaks imposed on the workers are not. Their passports have been confiscated and they are refused exit Visa's. So of course they are left unwillingly fixated in this tormenting and grotesque cycle of work and suffering. And this form of modern slavery has been occurring for almost 7 years now. Currently over 1000 have died from "unexpected causes" that the Qatari government neither explained nor investigated further. So once again the poor families of these workers are left in the darkness with false (and in some cases no) information regarding the death of their beloved family member. We all share one commonality... We are all humans. No life is more superior to another. Therefore EVERY life is worth saving.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by x2 zk Picture
  • Stop the Conservative party trying to interfere with lawful licensing decisions
    It is wrong for a political party to question the decisions of licensing officers. This is akin to rejection of the law to suit political ends rather than protection of the public or workers. This is important also because it shows an unashamed attempt to garner support from a voting section of the public. Moreover it does not represent the Local authorities inhabitants alone and cannot be proven. A political party should not be lobbying to obfuscate the work of those carrying out licensing.
    2,594 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Garelick
  • Fight Hospital Privatisation Plans at Airedale General Hospital
    The Directors of Airedale NHS Trust are about to transfer the staff who run hospital buildings, grounds and purchasing departments into a private company. This private company can only provide cheaper services to the hospital if it cuts corners, or cuts jobs, pay and working conditions. Lower pay and increased work will hit the morale of already overstretched NHS staff, making it hard for their families to make ends meet and the whole community. Hospital staff should be thinking about how to provide the best service for patients, not worrying about how they’re going to pay the bills. The NHS is not only a provider of health care for all, free at the point of need but an important provider of good quality, fairly paid jobs.
    3,172 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Bob Thorp
  • ARRIVA / NORTHERN RAIL Stop the introduction of driver only train's
    Conductors are NEEDED on train's for safety reasons and for helping disabled people to access train's, all so tickets are not available at all stations which leads to delays and possible prosecution
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B Yipp Picture
  • Save our Civic Cafe in Motherwell
    This is important because the cafe has been part of all our childhood and a huge amount of people have happy memories of this cafe. LLP Properties should be held accountable to explain why they are driving out our town’s local businesses and forcing the local people out of jobs which they need to support their own families too. NLC should be doing more to help local businesses NOT helping and standing by and watching them close down. Our home town is slowly dying due to the total greed by this company’s attitude towards its residents who are trying to make a living and serve a community. Start to think about folks livelihoods NOT bank balances for your own self gain. We the people of Motherwell demand that you withdraw the outrageous hike towards our town’s businesses. We demand it NOW!
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Scott Symington
  • Save 'The Venue Bar' from closing at 8pm
    The university are seeking to minimise costs, by taking security and reception off the entrance to the student union earlier, resulting in an 8pm close. However a campus bar shouldn't solely be about making a profit, it should be a place for students to come together, meet and socialise in an area that caters for everyones needs. While building the all important 'campus community', which is vital as such a small percentage of students live onsite. Speaking from personal experience The Venue bar allowed me to have a place to drop by and make friends last year, in the little time I had outside of lectures and commuting I spent a lot of time there socialising and doing group work. As do many other students in my position. From here I met countless people who would go on to have a positive impact on not only my social life but also being greatly beneficial to talk to each week about university and work related opportunities. With the majority universities closing their student bars at much later times (on average 11pm), therefore allowing for greater time and effort to be put into events being held. We are paying for our student experience and by closing the campus bar we are missing out on that experience.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Barrett Picture
  • Save Monarch Airlines
    We request that Monarch Airlines receive a loan from our goverment. Last week Air Berlin went into administration but following a loan from the German government they are able to continue to trade. Monarch airlines went into administration today Monday 2nd of October. 10's of millions of pounds have been spent on hiring Qatar airline to repatriate stranded passengers. We ask our goverment to instead provide a loan to Monarch. The only people who win with Monarch ceasing trading are the CEO's of competitor airlines. Everybody else loses out. We lose one of the UK's oldest and most loved airlines. Monarch is a sound business with an excellent reputation. In 2015 following a reorganisation they showed a substantial profit. The effects of Brexit uncertainty, loss of value of the pound and their routes affected by terrorism, are short term issues. We believe it makes sense to protect the business with a loan with stipulations. It's bad luck they have faced and not a bad business model. With Monarch ceasing we face thousands of job loses of highly experienced people, hundreds of thousands disrupted travel plans and increased costs for our short haul travel. We ask the government to make an initial interest free loan, and as they did with RBS Natwest, take a stake of Monarch. We expect in due course that the tax payer will benefit.
    5,846 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Crane
  • Please re-open The Traveller's Rest Pub, Newtown
    There has been a pub on this site since the early 1800 and is the last remaining pub in the village of Newtown. We have no shops, doctor or even a bus service. It was a viable business and a popular meeting place. It has been used by many, including yourselves, and its closure has been upsetting to us. You are in the entertainment industry and understand the value of social interaction, please re-open the pub so we can once again come together and enjoy the company of friends and visitors in its warm, convivial atmosphere.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anita Smith
  • Save our operating manager
    He has provided drivers with the necessary support and encouragement to carry out our daily duties with increased morale and improved performance through understanding and flexibility in his approach to our needs concerns adversities. He has extended himself and worked hard prevent the reoccurring issues that we face daily In relation to health and and employee well-being. In this robust and challenging environment we as drivers feel that no other management team have successfully supported our team to such a high standard.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Denisha Parkes
  • Uber: play by the rules and get your London license back
    If Uber plays by the rules, they can get their license to operate in London back and none of us lose out. Transport for London have told Uber they are not allowed to operate in London because of a “lack of corporate responsibility”. This includes not properly reporting serious crime and blocking proper regulation. On top of that, Uber drivers are not being given the rights that people in employment should get. Uber needs to give drivers the rights they deserve and comply with TFL safety requirements, rather than let 40,000 people lose their jobs.
    13,167 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Organise.org.uk - The UK's workplace campaigning site Picture
  • Stop L'Oreal from damaging local, small business.
    Naked Soap Company is a small, local family business based in Dalgety Bay, Fife - dedicating to passionately making handmade bath products for or customers. We believe in creating safe, natural products whilst providing a local, friendly service, our customers are our shareholders, our shareholders are our employees - we are a true local cooperative working towards creating local jobs, boosting the local economy and providing high quality products. No global corporation should hold the power over small businesses due to a single word - a word that determines and personalises a business. Yes, it may be easy to change a business name, but if that name encompasses the business' personality, it's ethics and it's origins then it's not an option at all. Corporations should not be able to determine the future over local business due to a single term. We want the IPO to tighten the rules on when oppositions can be made and the nature of such oppositions. Allowing global corporations to swamp local business in red tape, expensive legal action and threaten them with releasing their name should not be permitted. Stand by the Naked Soap Company in standing up against L'Oreal's bully tactics and prove that global corporations cannot eradicate the existence of local business.
    2,136 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Naked Soap Company Picture