• SAVE Winter Wonderland Clacton
    This brings tourists into the town therefore bringing money with it, it's a small local business where now loads of people had lost their jobs so close to Christmas!! This place brings/brought loads of joy to children and adults!!!
    4,370 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Johnson
  • RBS Branches Closing in Clydesdale, Scottish Borders and Midlothian South
    Not only will this have a devastating impact on the bank workers who are set to lose their jobs, these closures will also have a negative effect on the local communities of Biggar, Carnwath, Douglas, Dunns, Eyemouth, Hawick, Jedburgh, Lesmahagow, Melrose, North Berwick, Penicuik, Selkirk and Strathaven. Those who are older, in poor health, who cannot afford to travel further afield to do their banking, or who run small businesses will be hit hardest by these branch closures.
    952 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Claudia Beamish MSP
  • Save Northamptonshire libraries
    The libraries are very good for studying and a quiet place to read, but Northamptonshire council are thinking of closing up to 28 of our 36 Libraries in order to save money. Three options have been put forward: two would shut the doors of 21 libraries; the third would close 28. We think that ALL of the libraries should be saved.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Quinton Vidgeon
  • Stop the cuts to 42 and 42A bus service Minster, Cliffsend
    The 42 and 42a bus is an important link for residents in Minster and Cliffsend. It links communities where some don't have access to private transport and connects to local schools, doctors' surgeries, shopping areas and village communities. It reduces car use, reduces airborne pollution, saves on parking charges and keeps communities together.
    382 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Karen Constantine
  • Save 3 Bears Nursery Linwood
    The closure of this nursery will mean many parents will have to either cut their hours or give up their jobs. It will also be extremely stressful for the children who will be losing friends and trusted teachers. This nursery is relied on by so many parents across Linwood and is a vital amentiy to the local community. Save the 3 Bears!
    900 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ami Reynolds
  • Carers allowance
    Carers have to guarantee they spend 35hrs a week looking after their loved ones. For this they get around £2 per hour. Well below the minimum wage, and the humiliation of maybe claiming income support. And if they work they can earn no more than £116.00 Carers save the country millions in nursing home costs. They should have the same rights as workers
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Bell
    671 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karen Goodger
  • Save The Salt House Abbey Rd!
    The Salt House has been a public house since 1872 and has now been sold to property developers who wish to turn it into luxury flats and offices.This is such a sadly familiar story in London. We have to stop developers tearing apart what gives London it's pulse and character. The Salt House is one of the few remaining local pubs in the area and has many long term regulars who love it dearly. It is also home for the key staff members and their family who live above it and a secure job for many more. It would be a travesty if this beautiful Victorian pub was granted change of use and disappeared after over a century and a half.
    1,727 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Holtom
  • Save the emergency entertainment team at Butlins
    Butlins say keeping guests happy is a priority..... well keep the guys Butlins say they make job opportunities better..... well keep the guys The emergency entertainment team at Butlins Skegness are amazing the are forever making parents and children laugh they brighten even the darkest days
    393 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Ward Ne Sherriff
  • Give Welsh Salmon and Sea-Trout a chance!
    In order to save from extinction and to re-build Welsh Migratory Salmon and Sea Trout stocks to their former glory of yesteryear! The National Rivers Authority (NRW) admits that migratory fish stocks in Wales are in a 'very bad condition'! My friends and I have fished the River Tywi for over 30 years and have seen a dramatic collapse in migratory fish stocks over that period, to a point today when it's hardly worth going out on the river to fish at all. Hotels and B & B's were busy in those days back then but now, like the salmon and sea trout, there are very few of them left! Very few rod and line anglers will kill their catch these days but will instead safely return their catch to the river so that they may continue on their way to their spawning grounds! Commercial trawlers and estuary nets-man kill everything that gets caught in their nets! Factory ships digest everything that they catch, including the sand eels that the salmon, sea trout and even sea bass rely on! By suspending these unsustainable fishing practices, both at sea and in our river estuaries the people of Wales and visiting anglers will not only see improving fish stocks but the Welsh people themselves will experience a significant boost in the Welsh Tourist Economy, similar to that of the highly successful and world renowned Scottish salmon angling economy of today. By calling time on the commercial exploitation of salmon, sea trout and sea bass, to name just 3 species, the Welsh Government and the people of Wales will see increased employment prospects in hotels, restaurants and shops as tourists flock once more from all over the world to fish the amazing rivers of Wales for a chance to catch that hopefully less elusive Sewin (sea trout) or salmon! If the current decline in fish stocks is allowed to continue and with no anglers on the rivers to report pollution incidents then the rivers of Wales will almost certainly decline beyond any hope of future recovery! That will be a sad day for Wales and a sad day for us all!
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Holmes Picture
  • Save The current route of our Number 32/33 Fintry Bus Service
    Xplore are proposing two alternative routes to the 32/33 bus which would cut out Forfar Road. Their consultation highlights that the route could also stay as it is. You can see the proposed two route changes at this link http://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/misc/FintryRouteReview-PublicConsultationDocument.pdf This re-routing would severely restrict people's ability for travel: • make it harder for people with disabilities and older people with mobility problems to catch a bus and get out of the house, potentially leading to loneliness and social isolation • safety concerns of having to work through a scheme to get to/and from the bus • get to and from work • visit friends and relatives • access education and training • access to hospitals, doctors, dentists and other medical services • access to leisure activities including town and countryside locations Fewer buses on the road will mean more traffic congestion and delays which affects all of us.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hughes
  • Keep Kelly on the train
    This lady cleaned trains Monday to Friday. She always excelled at her work and the staff and passengers appreciated her attention to detail. She was given 4 days notice of her termination of employment. She was doing 35 hours a week.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Edgar-Brown