• Stop the British military recruiting child solders
    The UK is one of less than 20 countries in the world to recruit 16 year olds, it is the only country in Europe and the only permanent member of the United Nations. This groups ourselves together with countries with little respect for human rights such as Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea. The army recruits the very youngest solders with the intention of preparing them specifically for front line roles- where they are over represented. This has been questioned by international charities such as 'Child Soldiers International' and needs to stop! The battlefield is not a place for our young teanagers!
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Cash
  • Save the Hope & Anchor
    This pub has been trading since 1892 and so it has huge historical reference in Pontefract and is shadowed by Pontefract Castle. The pub is loved throughout the community and is beginning to become a hive of music activity drawing bands from far and wide as well as catering for our talented local musicians. It is the home of Pontefract Scooter Club, who regularly host events to raise money for local charities such as The Prince of Wales Hospice and The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The Hope & Anchor is an integral part of the community and we should be saving these historical institutions not turning them into offices etc
    907 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Hallaways
  • £15ph minimum pay for all NHS employees
    The NHS is under a constant growing strain, with all members from all areas of the MDT feeling the push and are having to work twice as hard to meet with the ever-growing need, and let's face it these people's are saving lives...., missing out on there quality family time so they can keep your family's happy by giving you the gift of more time with your loved ones, these people are constantly training to update there skills spending hours of studying to help improve new way of helping us in the future. Yet some of these people are payed less then someone that could be found stacking shelves at your local supermarket. I believe all NHS workers should receive a minimum of £15ph.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liam Bailey
  • USS must show its workings
    The current valuation of the USS pension scheme is critically important to its members, as the results may well lead to significant benefits cuts or large contribution increases. The assumptions and methods that USS have used in their valuations are causing huge amounts of controversy, and led to the biggest strike in higher education for a generation. The 'Academics for Pensions Justice' campaign, resourced through donations by 2,000 USS members, are demanding that USS provides full disclosure of the data, assumptions and modelling approach underpinning the 2017 valuation. It is imperative that those wanting to scrutinize the workings, including the Joint Expert Panel established in the wake of the strike action, are able to do so. The current lack of transparency is indefensible and should be of huge concern to all USS members, who have every right to see the workings behind any figures USS produces and need to be sure that any claims of unsustainability are put under proper scrutiny.
    5,692 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Marsh
  • McDonald's Union recognition
    Until McDonalds recognise that their workers, who make their profits, are paid proper wages and enjoy proper conditions by allowing union recognition I will not buy McDonald's products.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tony Free
  • Save South Tyneside District Hospital
    Because the population of South Tyneside are struggling to get medical attention with shift of facilities from south shields to sunderland. The town of south shields becomes unsafe and unaccessible to live in. The elderly and chronic patients will have to shift from their beautiful town of south shields and move to sunderland to have an easy access to facilities, the town of south shields will become an unsafe place to live in specially in an emergency, the shut down of STFT will create more of unemployment, the nursing homes in south shields will have to slowly close down due to reduction of residents because who would prefer to live in a town with no access to health facilities. This is what happens to south tyneside if the departments of STFT are close down, eventually shutting down the only acute care facility in this town forever.
    457 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sujith Thankachan George
  • Stop the re-introduction of the Workhouse.
    The whole idea of Universal benefit was to eliminate the exploitation of the poor and disadvantaged. the re-introduction of this concept is a social disgrace and it should be stopped. We should also not continue the current propaganda campaign to encourage the UK Public to blame the unemployed for our economic problems which, in reality, rest exclusively with the government.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Jones
  • Pay agency staff for bank holidays
    Temporary staff are recruited to outsource. 9 out of 10 times there isn't any follow up from the agency liaising with staff to find out how they are getting on unless it's an email regarding their changes or contact by the agency changes or you yourself need to query your salary etc. Based on experience an speaking to other people that work for agencies they feel less important because once recruited they feel as though they are recruited to clean up what the permanent staff doesn't want to do and are sometimes left to be a self learner with no assessments once started. Staff enjoy the agency roles because of the flexibility and weekly income but are not listened too by the companies nor agency enough and feel that they should've atleast paid for bank holidays. E.g....If for any reason there's two bank holiday in one week staff are only paid for 3 days. A lot of staff are very committed to their jobs because this is how they feed their families but believe they/we should be paid full salary on bank holiday or half pay so that annual leave should not be considered to be used on this occasion but for other personal holiday bookings. Staff are neglected to often by agencies that are paid out a lot for their work/efforts when none of the agency staff even liaise with the workers to understand how hard working they work, what they do or upcoming issues giving agency stay a sense of belonging knowing they have full support. A lot of us are very flexible e.g. If It's summer holiday permanent staff or people without children often has priority in booking their annual leave over some of the temps when it should be the same. It's unfair an whilst am speaking from experience. Yes some agencies may be different but I do believe if this petition goes public a lot of staff will come forward with the same concerns.I believe it's happening in other agencies and we should be paid on bank holiday and be treated equal like permanent staff because we work just as hard.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Carrera
  • Do not renew Geoffrey Boycott's employment contract for his recent racist comment
    We need to challenge casual racism, especially from respected figures, such as Geoffrey Boycott. Such attempts at humour, no matter where the offence takes place, undermine efforts to create a more equal society, in which respect is due to all. The BBC should apply its equality policies consistently, irrespective of how long a person has worked for them. The Black and White Minstrel Show, in which white performers appeared with blacked out faces, ended in 1978, because it was felt to be offensive and inconsistent with British values then. The BBC Code of Conduct states in Part 1.3 Treating everyone equally "We don’t tolerate discrimination of any kind, and we speak up when we see it. We’ll take disciplinary action against anyone who crosses the line, including firing them for gross misconduct, if it’s serious."
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Robson
  • Re-open pontefract lorry park
    Pontefract used to be a thriving town with local and passing trade, in recent times many ships have become empty pubs closed etc, the closer of pontefract has had a detrimental effect on local establishments ,it wouldn't cost anything to re open it , If monitored could provide a fairly healthy income from otherwise non existent parking charges.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Mills
  • Stop Carers Allowance from being taxable
    As, Carers are the lowest paid in society and do it to look after their loved ones its putting an impact on Carers financially,which is forceing them to work or deter them from claiming Carers Allowance. Putting a strain on Social Services, Health providers and the NHS. As Caring for a relative on a low income is financially constraining with DWP rulings affecting other income. A review needs to be looked into classing Carers Allowance as a income.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Hemingsley
  • Allow BeerHeadZ a premises licence at 4 Eastgate Lincoln LN2 1QA
    In a time of so many pub closures, we feel that BeerHeadz would provide a licenced premises to the area that will compliment the existing pubs/bars in the Bailgate area. If allowed to trade they'll provide employment in the area, promote Lincoln through pub tourism helping out local transport and eateries. Being free of Tie, they'll also be able to support the local brewery scene. They'll promote responsible drinking in a controlled environment, much more than the less controlled off sales from the supermarkets!
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Joyce