• Save Whitekirk
    Since closure in February 2016, the former Whitekirk Golf Course has become a haven for wildlife and a wonderful, well used amenity space for local communities. This unique and beautiful landscape is recognised in the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 as a Special Landscape Area, and provides valuable open space for people and wildlife in an area dominated by intensive farming and increasing development. Wilkie Developments plans to destroy this fantastic landscape by turning it into a holiday camp. With over 200 proposed holiday lodges crammed on to the former fairways, the beautiful landscape and its wildlife will be lost to development forever. The area is enjoyed by a wide variety of flora and fauna including species such as skylarks, badgers, bats, owls, buzzards and swans, as well as a variety of wildflowers, trees and mosses. The Local Development Plan states that development should only be permitted in Special Landscape Areas where "the public benefits of the development clearly outweigh any adverse impact and the development is designed, sited and landscaped to minimise such adverse impacts." The economic benefits of the development will no doubt be argued as a reason to override this protection, however it is clear that self-catering holiday lodges will generate only a very few low-skilled, low-paid jobs, and with poor public transport local people will surely struggle to sustain employment. Over two hundred holiday lodges will generate hundreds of car trips per day to and from North Berwick. With only one bus every two hours from the site into North Berwick, all those cars will be clogging up the roads and competing for the already over-full car parks in the town. The development will require significant infrastructure in order to support the 200 plus lodges, introducing light pollution, sewage treatment and a network of utilities. Once all this costly infrastructure is in place what’s to stop Wilkie Developments, housebuilders by trade, seeking to turn this into yet another housing development. Please help to protect this rare and special landscape by signing the petition to prevent development and secure its future as a valuable wildlife habitat and amenity for the local communities. As a protected wildlife reserve, this wonderful space should be enjoyed by local people and also presents a fantastic opportunity to create an educational facility for local schools.
    1,230 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Whitekirk Campaign
  • Force Hospitals to stop blocking access to medicinal cannabis
    This is extremely important as children and adults continue to suffer across the UK without help from Hospitals. Children with life threating seizures are battling to stay alive. Instead of Medicinal Cannabis, they are on heavy sedative medications which are killing them and offer no quality of life to the child and quite often simply do not work. People are suffering from chronic pain in conditions such as Terminal Cancer and get little to no relief from traditional pharmaceutical drugs which sedate them and often have extremely bad side effects. People with Multiple Sclerosis find no comfort from traditional pharmaceutical medications and have found Medicinal Cannabis to change their quality of life. And many many other illnesses can be helped by the use of this medication!
    1,163 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robin Emerson
  • Remove condition 16 of the licensing Act for Polzeath Pancake Shack
    This is important for us as we pay a license to trade and we have overnight free camping which sometimes our spot gets parked in and we cannot trade, we are paying a license to trade and the council license team seem to think it’s not their problem if I can’t trade! Which then means I can’t provide a service to all my customers who come to Polzeath for my pancakes!! I employ local staff, and my carbon footprint is zero, I live here, all year round. Please sign and share and let the council know why you think this is important to you and your families when you come to visit Cornwall.
    354 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Seahem Sodhi
  • Remove toxic dump in cumbernauld
    This is a public health issue which is also affecting businesses in the area.
    851 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rice
  • The Government must provide emergency funding to foodbanks
    It is well reported that foodbank use in the UK has seen an unprecedented rise in use. They rely solely on public donations to feed people. Because it is government policy that has caused this rise, they must intervene now. Foodbanks are running out daily and face the awful task of turning people away. Health and wellbeing is at severe risk. These charities are doing the government's work free of charge. This must change.
    548 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Tiffin Picture
  • Swimming pool in the Hawes area
    Our area has very limited health and fitness facilities. A swimming pool would benefit both locals and visitors, young and old.
    318 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Roxana Cloughton
  • Housing Policy Needs Urgent Change
    Increased supply and quality comes from competition and incentives, not from over regulation or divisive taxation policies. There's a hole in the bucket and it's not being refilled quickly enough. Private landlords are selling up in droves, thus reducing the pool of better quality homes available to rent. Private investment into much needed rental housing is being strangled, and this MUST STOP! National and Local Government policies are discouraging private investment into rental accommodation, especially in recent years. This is already negatively impacting housing development and the wider economy. If the supply of private rental accommodation continues to contract, demand will cause rents to increase and ordinary people will find it even harder to find flexible and affordable housing. Taxing suppliers, whether directly or by stealth, is always passed on to consumers. In this case, that means upward pressure on rents. There have been several forms of stealth taxes and indirect taxation applied to private housing providers. These include; the taxation of finance costs, increased Stamp Duty Land Tax, banning tenant fees and Selective Licencing. Government and Local Councils need to stop milking private housing providers like cash cows and reverse all such policies before further suffering is caused. Badly informed campaigning could also undo all the good things the Housing Act 1988 achieved. We urge Government to be mindful of this.
    1,881 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Alexander
  • Saving St Aldhelm's Play Park
    Wiltshire Council have closed St. Aldhelms play area citing it is too expensive to maintain, having neglected it (and other parks in the area and across Wiltshire) for a sustained period of time. It is a hugely important amenity which is well used by children of all ages, and must be saved for the community.
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dom Newton
  • Water safety group’s call to action to reduce drowning in Tendring
    Schools in Tendring need to add plenty of water and beach safety lessons and have the lifeboat crew in to give talks. every schoolchild in an assembly could show a video safety not just for the sea but rivers as well.
    332 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Pemberton Picture
  • Bring back the 29 bus
    I myself am disabled and I now have to walk 20 minutes to the new bus stop, then walk 20 minutes to work. This is without standing around waiting for buses. If I choose to catch the new bus - 27 I will have to wait around for another bus to take me to the city. Also a lot of elderly people live on my housing estate and the change will make it harder for them to go to Harbourne as it does not go down the high street and also when they want to go to birmingham they will have to change buses and wait around for another one, this will be especially hard for them and myself in the winter months.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dee Wakeman
  • Let my fiance come home immediately
    The judge has now determined that the Home Office breached our human rights and that we satisfied all of the application requirements all along and that we need to be together, but we still face a long wait for him to come home. On 13th December 2017 we were devastated to find that the visa was refused on the basis that I as the sponsor didn't meet the financial requirement and that bills were not submitted to prove we lived together therefore our relationship wasn’t considered genuine. When in fact, all relevant documents were submitted to prove my income of £19,500 and bills were also submitted in both our names. Our solicitor asked the Home Office to reconsider their decision the day after the refusal but this has never been acknowledged. Solicitor lodged our appeal on 18th December. My local MP had also contacted the HO who had refused to review the decision outside of appeal procedures. My local MP had also made comments such as "if he leaves you after 18 months of obtaining the visa I cannot help you" she had already judged the situation without even knowing us. On the 17th December 2017 things took a turn for the worst as I was sectioned under 136 of the mental health act by police and taken to hospital after trying to jump from a bridge above a busy motorway in order to kill myself because of the stress & anxiety that the home office had caused by separating us against our own will. We will never be able to describe the emotional abuse we have suffered at the hands of the Home Office, there just isn't any words for it. This led to me losing my job on 10th January 2018 due to issues with my mental health and personal life affecting my work. Luckily I was able to find new employment almost immediately, but it left me in a position where I wasn't able to visit my fiance due to fear of losing my job again. After a frustrating few months of trying to get our lives back on track, both myself and fiancé made a complaint to the home office due to their incompetence, they refused to speak to me as I am not the applicant and refused him because he was out of country. We threatened the home office with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as we couldn’t make a formal complaint to which they finally agreed to review the decision 27th February after saying that they could never review a decision outside of appeal procedures. They only received the appeal from the tribunal on 16th March. We was very hopeful that finally someone would realise there was a mistake made. In the meantime we had submitted 3 expedite request to the First Tier Tribunal on the basis of my mental health deterioration which were refused for the judges not taking my mental health seriously. After chasing the review agreed by the Home Office for 9 weeks, on the 3rd May 2018 review completed by the HO but they had maintained the refusal on the financial requirement but now stated they believed our relationship. How could they still get it wrong when the evidence was clear in their face?! After a complaining to the resident judge about how previous judges had treated my mental health, this lead to our case finally being expedited and on 6th June 2018, our hearing took place, to which the Home Office never showed up or submitted a bundle. The Judge allowed our appeal on the day as he found I did meet the requirements all along and that it was a breach of our human rights to keep us apart. on 23rd July 2018 received the court determination letter after chasing the court every week! The Home Office now have 28 days to appeal the allowed decision which we are confident they wont due to no error of law being made. Our human rights have been breached enough, why should we have to wait a further for him to come home, I need him home as he is the only family I have. We just want to move on with our lives.
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Paige Jokovic Picture
  • Meet and protect the rights of disabled children, adults and their families.
    I’m a mother, but no one has ever called me mummy. I’ve resuscitated my child, but I’ve never put a plaster on his knee. I’ve not been fined for taking my child out of school for a holiday, but I’ve been fighting to get him into school for almost four years. I’ve gone for months at a time with little sleep - but not with a baby, with a child who stops breathing. There are no family days out, because there’s nowhere to change my immobile and incontinent teenager. For four years, I have to sedate my child to travel because his wheelchair doesn’t fit and causes him pain. I’ve said goodbye more times than I can count - not for a school trip, but because I was told he would die. Our first community nurse told me to visit a morgue so I could get used to the idea of seeing my son in a freezer. I was told by a care company manager that if I complained about her staff, she’d ensure my son was put in a home. They were asleep when he wasn’t breathing, they overdosed his medications and they forcibly strapped him down to his own bed to stop them needing to move him. I’ve had to plan and write down all of the details of my child’s funeral. We have lost our home, jobs and self esteem - sponging from society, because care and education has not been sufficiently funded to allow us to work - to support our own family. I was a teacher, I fought for the children of others, I loved my job. Now, I have to fight for my son and his rights, to be his ICU nurse, to try to find time to be his mum when I’m so tired and so sad. My husband cared for people with MND or dementia, supporting them and their families until the end of their lives. Now he can only support us. Our lives revolve around keeping our son alive, well and comfortable.
    689 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jo Atrill Picture