• Reconsider Early Neutering Rules for Dog Centres
    If you want your dog to attend a daycare or play facility then they must be neutered. Seems reasonable, yes? However, if you want your puppy to attend the same facility they must also be neutered unless under the age of six months. All of a sudden this doesn’t seem quite so reasonable, does it? It is widely recognised that neutering at such a young age can cause both physiological and psychological damage to dogs. This is particularly true of larger breeds, which take significantly longer to mature. The result is a significantly increased risk of arthritis and other bone defects, abnormal bone growth and a lack of fusion of the growth plates. Early castration can also result in the dog being stuck mentally in the adolescent phase and not fully maturing into an adult mental state or the ‘calming down’ that would be expected when a dog reaches adult maturity. This could in fact increase the chances of behaviour issues developing. Most of this damage cannot ever be reversed. Just like humans, dogs need hormones in order to grow up in a healthy manner. At just six months old, most puppies are not yet mature enough to have these hormones altered or removed. We strongly believe that the restrictions around un-neutered puppies attending play centres should be changed. This is not a money making exercise on our part - this is an animal welfare issue and, as dog lovers, it is an issue we feel passionate about. Too many pups are being neutered at too young an age and it undoubtedly has a detrimental effect on them. We are not vets, nor are we clinically trained but we have studied dogs and have extensive experience of working with a number of different breeds, observing the changes dogs go through following neutering. We believe it is important to be able to socialise all dogs when they are in their younger months so that they can develop their skills as they grow into maturity. This would result in better behaviour outcomes than early castration. Clearly pregnancy is unwanted therefore a facility should have policy in place for management of dogs and ability to separate them into safe groups where necessary. Facilities should have procedures in place where if any dog - regardless of sex, age or neutering status - is causing issues or not fitting in, the owners are approached to find suitable alternative arrangements for the care of their dog.
    292 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Haydon The Dog Play Centre Picture
  • Rochdale Skate Park
    This is a needed faciality in a place that is severely lacking with any youth programs and social hubs. Rochdale does not have any proper places for people to go anymore never mind even skate without interruptions or weather problems. This will take so many Youth out of their houses, out of trouble and into a friendly, safe and encouraging environment to have fun and meet up with their friends. Even better to meet new People like themselves. Look around online ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjl5i92j7ng), These places are hugely successful community rocks for people. Such a success only 15 miles away. All over the South of England they are in much more abundance and show that they are crucial places for the community. The community spirit that skaters show for each other is incredible and the youth and people of Rochdale need this. I know personally myself from skating my whole life, that a lot of people in The Rochdale borough travel to a lot of places to skate at places like I'm purposing. Why shouldn't Rochdale have their own? Young People and Adults alike will finally have a place to skate and be a part of a community. Not only would it have such a good impact on the Community This would definitely bring more business and get people to travel to Rochdale to take part, just as everyone in Rochdale are forced to do and travel outside its borders for properly ran SkateParks.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brad Sims
  • United Kingdolls to represent UK at Eurovision 2021
    The United Kingdolls wowed the nation with their recent performance of the hit song 'UK Hun?' on RuPaul's RuRuVision Song Contest. With Eurovision 2021 fast approaching, an entrant must be selected to represent the nation and it has to be The United Kingdolls - the best chance for the UK's first Eurovision win since 1997. Choose the United Kingdolls as this year's entry with 'UK Hun?' and give some hope to the people of this country at a time when we need it more than ever. In 1969 the UK won the Eurovision song contest with Lulu's 'Boom Bang-a-Bang'. Now it's time for Bing Bang Bong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9wRiNzM6Ww
    2,224 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Grace
  • PIP for Amputees
    It’s important that this disability is recognised as such and all Amputees are given PIP enhanced rate.
    3,463 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Kim Smith
  • Save The Mill Hall, Bellingham lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS67ED.
    For the health and well being of the community.
    275 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ron Lyall
  • Save Cheere House
    Sir John Seabright, 19th Century philanthropist, founded and built the West Herts Infirmary in Hemel Hempstead, in 1831 at his own expense for the then massive sum of £13,000. The property, now called Cheere House, is still there at the bottom of Hillfield Road in Hemel Hempstead. Sadly though, like most of the hospital surrounding it, it has fallen into disrepair and unused, and is heavily rumoured to be levelled and replaced with offices and yet more housing. Cheere House is of historical importance to Dacorum, and at almost 200 years old, should have had a protection order on it. It is a disgrace that it is being left to rot and be wiped from the history of the town and Borough. If it can't be repaired and left where it stands, then it should be taken down carefully and rebuilt elsewhere in the town, perhaps as a museum, school or retirement homes for those who have been of longstanding service in the NHS? This wonderful building cannot be allowed to fall, as too much of the town has been "allowed" to disappear sadly.
    456 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Darren Greenidge
  • Didcot Mountain Bike Park
    Didcot's population has grown rapidly due to the creation of three significant housing developments. Along with local infrastructure considerations there needs to be provision of leisure facilities. Didcot has a vibrant mountain bike community thanks largely to its proximity to the Ridgeway. While this offers miles and miles of bridleway to improve ones fitness those looking to develop other bike skills need to look much further afield, often involving a drive, an option not available to the younger generation. The physical and mental benefits of any sport are well defined and mountain biking is certainly no different. Furthermore by providing enhanced leisure facilities we may be able to discourage anti social behaviour in the community. I believe a mountain bike park in Didcot would promote the town in a positive way, in line with the objectives of the garden town plan and promote physical and mental health in our local community.
    1,622 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Andrew
  • Allow dogs on sunderland beaches over summer
    Not only will it have a big impact on local business as when out with our dogs we may grab a coffee and food. People exercise a lot more down the beach with dogs.
    4,381 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Paula Smith Picture
  • Include people with autism and Asperger’s into the covid vaccine policy
    It is important because people in the above groups have been forgotten about in this pandemic and it needs to stop. People with autistic spectrum disorders and all people with learning disabilities should be included not left out. And put on the scrap heap as they usually get done to them so they have a voice now
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Barnett
  • Save Bewerley Park & East Barnby
    Both Bewerley Park and East Barnby have been providing Outdoor Education to pupils in North Yorkshire for many years. The staff at these centres are the most experienced you will find. It's not just a case of taking some kids on a trip to try a few activities. What they provide are vital life skills. No other centres (that I have taken school groups to) come close to the knowledge, understanding and support like BP & EB do. In a time when mental health and the aftermath of COVID will have a ripple effect for many years to come EB & BP are equipped and ready to roll out support across the county ASAP. They support schools with learning outside the classroom, pupils with SEND, introducing pupils to new activities, provide experience to gain life skills. They support staff with training, confidence to deliver, first aid and Midas training along with opportunities to gain qualifications in various Outdoor Adventurous Activities. There are 45 staff at risk of losing jobs but also North Yorkshire and all the schools within North Yorkshire losing a vital place that can't be replicated anywhere else. UPDATE PLEASE READ NYCC OFFICIAL STATEMENT https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/news/article/review-outdoor-education-following-impact-pandemic
    18,958 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Howard
  • Improve Central Hill, Crown Dale, and Elder Road junction
    Elder Road junction has split highways management between Lambeth and Croydon and for years has been left without improved crossings. It is cross border, where Central Hill is principally managed by Croydon, and Crown Dale is principally managed by Lambeth. We request a joint cross-border approach to: - investigate, consult and report what layout changes and other interventions would improve road safety at the junctions with Elder Road and Central Hill and Crown Dale; - introduce new road safety measures by schools (Croydon and Lambeth side), especially to address school opening and closing; - reduce dangerous speeding by drivers, and consider 20mph due to the concentration and number of local schools, and its steep hills; - and encourage increased walking and cycling locally, to make safer access to local parks, to many local schools and health services on this road, and to seek funding for highways improvements. Also important, is to tackle other dangerous junctions on Central Hill (at the Salters Hill and the Westow Street junctions), and further along Crown Dale. This section of A214 (from Crown Dale to Crystal Palace) sees too many Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) casualties. We want a safer future for everyone who lives, works and goes to school on these local roads. Add your reasons for signing with concerns you have about safety on this road.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fran Bernstein Picture
  • 517 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alan Raymond