• 5 % payrise for nurses and NHS frontline workers
    Nurses within the NHS have put their lives on the line to save the lives of others suffering from coronavirus. They are our modern day heroes during this awful pandemic, the likes of which have not been seen for more than 100 years. How can we look them in the face when we as a country turn our back as soon as we feel the worst is over. We are eternally grateful to each and every one, please let us show that their efforts are recognised.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phillipa Thomas
  • Improve Heacham skatepark
    Our skatepark in Heacham provides vital exercise and social experiences for young people, however, it is not attractive or completely safe, meaning parents and children feel discouraged. This means a lack of healthy children and an eyesore in a communal area. It is now more important than ever that our public spaces are maintained and upgraded to support the community's physical and mental health. The 11-18 age bracket is an often overlooked demographic, and a functional and attractive communal area is vital for our well-being.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Merry ENTERS Picture
  • Give NHS staff a pay rise worthy of the service they provide our nation
    It is time to recognise the NHS staff for their dedication in what has been the most challenging of years which will reverberate for many years to come. Recovering from the pandemic will require unrelenting dedication and hard work. Send them to work feeling valued and respected whilst supported by a pay rise truly reflecting the appreciation and recognition of the impact the services have on our nation
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Jones
  • Nurses Pay-rises 2021
    We have to reward and recognise what every nurse has been through not only during lockdown but every single day. In addition how will we be able to encourage the next generations to work hard to qualify when they will be getting paid peanuts. Then the government will pay agency nurses or get people in from overseas again at a more greater cost to us the taxpayers.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zahid Verrier
  • May Day to be dedicated to our Veterans
    Because we owe the wonderful Men and Women of the Second World War everything.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Buckle
  • Pension shortfall: Speed up the Payout to National insurance stamp payers
    We have waited far too long to get this money. We should have had their pension increased by £30 per week when our husbands reached 65. We were NEVER notified and therefore, about 200 thousand women never claimed. Now it's on the news and it is to be paid to us, but they should owe us this money PLUS interest. Some of us are in our 80s and don’t have good health much longer to enjoy it..
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Tiernan
  • Review How Child Maintenance is Calculated
    The way this happens forces many people into hardship and has driven no doubt thousands to despair and suicide over the years through being left in debt due to an unfair method to calculate maintenance
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by richard purvis
  • No Mow May
    Following this will increase the nectar available for pollinators tenfold. This increases food production and save money. 38 councils have adapted it and more are looking at this campaign.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GRAINNE RASON
  • Reverse the cut in overseas aid
    The cut may seem like a small difference in percentage, but it means (for example) a 50% reduction in aid for medical work in Yemen; 40% cut in medical work in Somalia. This is literally a death sentence for thousands in the poorest, most hard-hit parts of the world; whilst for many more it means suffering serious diseases that are curable with basic drugs and medical attention. As one of the world's 5 or 6 wealthiest countries, can we really not afford to maintain the 7% of GDP in aid that the government had previously pledged? This is not what "Global Britain" should be about.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ray
  • Government should grant amnesty to refugees and asylum seekers
    Referencing the present situation (the pandemic) too many people have died and more are languishing and many are becoming increasingly worried what their status will be, so many are destitute.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tejan Jalloh
  • Gambling Advertising
    During lockdown I have been horrified by the number of adverts for online gambling sites. The type of adverts are so cynical, suggesting you would be part of a family or a group of good friends if you just go online and waste your money. I can imagine a lot of bored people taking the chance and finding they're in debt. Gambling is a problem in the UK as it is.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Harvey
  • Adult and child mental health support Cornwall
    Our mental health has a detrimental effect on all aspects of lives I believe Cornwall needs more support for the adults and children who need access to these services! I think a standard a 3 year waiting list for CAMHS is to long and having a very negative effect on young people if you do not access mental health services at the point needed it leads to self harm, depression, anxiety, anti social behaviour; drink/drugs and unfortunately suicide😓 coronavirus has only added to the very limited resources Cornwall is receiving . This cannot be accepted anymore Cornwall deserves more, everyone does. Mental health matters
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah-jayne Dean