• Stop the use of ALL animals in circuses!
    Their health is violated. It is disgusting. People shouldn't have to even sign a petition to stop this but due to the horrible world we live in we have to make a move. Think of the innocent lives you will be saving. Help everyone, make the world a positive place. Help these animals gain their rights.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Stonehill
  • More control over fox hounds.
    All dog owners should follow the same law!!
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean Craske
  • Make fox hunts muzzle their packs.
    ‘Tradition’ could be upheld, and hunting dogs kept within the law, yet foxes, domestic pets and others could all be legally safeguarded. If you’re hunting a scent trail, legally, muzzling makes no difference. Why not?
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Parker
  • Eradicate plastic from tea-bags
    Although there are some brands who make plastic-free bags, Tetleys tea bags - Britain’s biggest tea bag manufacturer - contain 25% plastic. That level of plastic is considered the industry norm. (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ditch-teabags-and-help-save-the-planet-swfjjqzpd) An estimated 2,500 tonnes of plastic enters British urban ecosystems each year due to the plastic hidden in tea-bags. As highlighted in David Attenborough's Blue Planet, plastic pollution is eaten by fish and other wild animals, damaging their digestive systems and entering the food chain in large quantities. All through plastic hidden in the tea bags we’re using for our cuppas."
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Frank Turner
  • Save wildlife habitat and trees in Thorley
    In the last 2 years over 200 hundred mature and semi mature trees have been cut down and mashed by East Herts District Council, additionally hedges and undergrowth have been removed even during bird breading season and prior to hibernation times. Today I have discovered that yet more extensive sections of habitat and trees are being removed and the reason given by the contractor is to prevent drug dealing/taking activities under the cover which this habitat provides. The habitat is home to all forms of local wildlife including flocking birds, bats, insects and small mammals. In addition to habitat for wildlife the trees and shrub lines provide privacy for homes and shelter pedestrians from rain and wind in the colder months while providing shade in the summer and generally make this area a more pleasant place to live. To lose habitat because we are ineffective in the fight against drugs is unacceptable. There must be another solution to this issue that does not mean destroying the environment or the aesthetic value it provides. Please sign this petition to help us make EHDC understand that we value our trees and hedges and want to keep this habitat safe from needless destruction.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Lee
  • Give Cats The Same Status as Dogs,
    This is important because it will save thousands of pounds by eliminating Cat Colonies for feral breeds, Give every cat a Microchip so they can be traced if lost or stolen, To neuter Cats as standard, And to cut down on Cat population, which will make looking after domesticated cats. to prevent unwanted litters, to prevent the feral population, and to diminish the amount of cats that are neglected.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Spring
  • Trophy Hunting
    In Light of Trump,s decision to allow Trophy Hunting of Elephants previously banned by President Obama.The Wildlife of the World is under extreme pressure caused by poaching,population,habitat destruction.The civilised countries of the World need to send a strong signal to President Trump his actions are unacceptable and only a complete reversal of his current policy is the minimum we expect
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by adrian shepherd
  • Emotional Assistance Pet Act
    The petition of residents of United Kingdom, Declares that there is compelling evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that interacting with pets can be beneficial to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of humans and that the human-animal emotional bond does not differ from the one that we sustain in relation to close family members; further that the twenty-first century is the beginning of the revolution in ethics related to scientific evidence regarding consciousness in animals – now confirmed that it is astonishingly close to humans; further that mental health services in the UK are overstretched, have long waiting times and a lack specialist services in some regions; further that the Mental Health Foundation also recognises the value of “pet therapy” in suicide prevention and treating depression leading to it; further that there is no scientific research to support the thesis that tenants who have pets are worse, more difficult or cause more damage to properties than those who do not; and further that almost all tenancy agreements, by default, contain a no pet clause, which is nothing more than a prejudiced practice, as a result, people who have pets are especially victimised in their attempt to simply put a roof over their heads in this difficult housing crisis context. Therefore, the petitioners request that the House of Commons urges the Government to introduce legislation that recognises the importance of the emotional relationship of man and their non-human family members; further to put the interest of the most vulnerable and the public interest above the right of the property owners if the property is a subject of commercial gain; and further that the legislation should allow the emotional support animal access in housing facilities, even when the complex has a no pet policy or breed/weight discriminatory policies.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophia Davenport
  • Ban dog breeding and sale of dogs without a licence
    Too many dogs are being indiscriminately bred for profit. This is affecting the health and well-being of the animals being bred as well as contributing massively to the growing number of dogs in shelters. A licence would reduce the puppy farms and backyard breeders after a quick profit that don't know what they are doing and cut corners.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cat Freed
  • Silent Fireworks only to be sold and set off in England
    Fireworks are set off for weeks at a time now, rather than just bonfire night and New Year. Many pets are petrified by all the loud noises and people with outdoor pets don’t know when to keep them inside and away from fireworks.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Faye Gordon
  • Make Cardiff plastic straw free
    36.4 billion plastic straws are discarded in the EU annually damaging wildlife, water quality and entering our food chain. The Welsh government led the way on the plastic bag carrier charge, and we want them to do the same with single use plastic straws. Such a small change will make a huge impact on our environment and make Cardiff a greener, cleaner and more sustainable place to live.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nia Jones
  • Ban Plastic Straws
    Plastic straws, which are thrown away after one use, are non-biodegradable. This means that they pollute our oceans and harm our animals. We need to save our sea life, and stop innocent animals being killed every day due to pollution. I believe that they should be changed from plastic to paper (cardboard) or metal straws, which are so better for the environment.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elodie Wild