Ban pages on Instagram inviting fight videos being uploadedThis is absolutely sick and a disgusting trend that has to be stopped as kids are desperate to upload their video to get the most views and likes. The effects on the victims must be horrendous with 100's of comments, views and likes.1,002 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jolene Rogers
Make plastic drink straws obsolete in cinemasUK cinemas are responsible for hundreds of thousands of plastic straws being thrown away every week. They make a huge amount of profit on selling fizzy drinks and last year there were 170 million tickets sold to cinemas in the UK. If all those drinks were served with paper straws it'd make a massive difference to the plastic ending up in our seas.* 'The marine Conservation society estimates the UK uses up to 8.5 billion plastic straws every year which are among the top 10 items found in beach clean ups'. Plastic straws should be considered a serious problem to marine species survival: I've done recent beach clear-ups myself and can testify they are a common, harmful type of sea pollution. Plastic straws can travel long distances throughout the world's oceans, getting ingested by marine animals- taking up vital space in their stomachs that takes up increasing space for digesting food to eventually starve and kill them. Straws get tangled in seaweed beds in coastal waters where they will continue to accumulate like an off-shore rubbish dump if the supply isn't stopped for good. The EU is considering banning them this year, and asking Environment Minister, Michael Gove to align with EU member states in this- but Gove has been cautious and not clearly affirmed this- yet. A large lobby and petition to ban plastic straw sale and manufacture in the UK could decide the matter this year, to see a change in UK law to make them obsolete. * We recommend that cinemas keep a small number of plastic straws behind the counter for customers with medical conditions or disabilities who require one.218,734 of 300,000 SignaturesCreated by Julia Robinson
SOUTHERN WATER ABSTRACTION OF RIVERS TEST, ITCHEN AND CANDOVERSouthern Water seek to gain Michael Gove’s approval to increase river abstraction to levels NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Climate change is exacerbating the situation. We desperately need alternative & timely options to supply public water. The internationally rare English chalk stream riverine habitats & their wildlife are now under severe threat from over abstraction, especially in times of drought. This could prove catastrophic for species such as the genetically unique chalk stream salmon, sea trout, or Hampshire’s last population of the rare native crayfish, let alone the rivers themselves & the livelihoods that depend upon them. We must stop Southern Water using a Public Inquiry to gain Michael Gove’s approval to increase river abstraction to potentially catastrophic and reprievable levels. They intend to sidestep the correct procedure and ride roughshod over our public bodies, which are there to safeguard our environment. Challenging Natural England’s advice & the EA's sustainable licensing to increase abstraction to ruinous levels on our precious chalk streams, in order to meet their corporate goals – profit. We desperately need alternative, sustainable and timely options to supply public water. Action NOW is essential to ensure our rivers are properly protected in the future. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Hampshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England, Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Hampshire, Salmon & Trout Conservation, Wild Trout Trust, Test and Itchen Association, Angling Trust and Fish Legal, and the Wessex Chalk streams and Rivers Trust, all oppose Southern Water’s position. HOW? Beginning 13th March, Southern Water through public inquiry are asking Michael Gove (Secretary of State) to approve their increased abstraction plans directly. If upheld, this will by-pass the normal procedures for obtaining an abstraction licence, and will not involve full public consultation including direct and fair engagement with river owners and users - an absolutely CRUCIAL involvement as there is so much at stake in these very complex decisions. SW are using ‘strong arm’ tactics in the Inquiry to make the EA use their legal powers to force river owners and users to co-operate. Some of these proposed actions are highly emotive and again deny the public the fair right to comment. WHAT OTHER DAMAGE COULD THIS CAUSE? Increasing populations and housing in Hampshire are greater than our natural water resources can now sustain. Demand has already exceeded the capacity our rivers and aquifers can supply. So at a time of water scarcity, on already over abstracted rivers, the threat is that SWS customers will be literally sucking the life out of the rivers Candover, Itchen and Test. This will deplete the river flows to levels that will devastate the natural aquatic environment. People will be watering their gardens as the flow of these rivers falls to dangerously unprecedented levels. Is this what people would want if they knew about it? THE SOLUTION - As we speak, Southern Water are preparing to publish a 'draft Water resources management plan' (and Drought Plan) for public consultation. They claim their plans will have a bold vision, with ambitious and innovative ways to secure the necessary alternative sources of supply to enable the Environment Agency’s licence changes to be made. These alternatives will be costly and include trading with Portsmouth Water, Havant Thicket Reservoir and a desalination plant in the Solent. That is what it will take to protect our Chalk streams from over abstraction. HOWEVER, SOUTHERN WATER WILL ONLY IMPLEMENT THESE AMBITIOUS NEW PLANS IF IT LOSES THE INQUIRY! If it wins then it may well in likelihood implement a shadow version... This Inquiry is Southern Water’s last-ditch attempt to cling onto its 40-year-old business model of over exploiting our chalk streams – one that generates a healthy profit margin at huge expense to the environment. TO CONCLUDE - No more stalling by this corporate Leviathan, which is investing large amounts of bill payers’ money on scientific models not fit for purpose to prove their 'case'. Instead they should be working together with and not against NGO’s, stakeholders, their clients and you the people to find alternative water supplies that will safeguard our rivers for generations to come. Please help support the EA's and NE's efforts to protect our rivers by signing our petition to ensure that Southern Water Services take note of their customers’ concerns for the sustainability and protection of these British gems. Many Thanks, Jim & Howard. "The proposed increase in water abstraction from the Test, Itchen & Candover will have a serious, if not disastrous, effect on the delicate balance of this unique ecosystem. We obviously need to meet the water needs of our ever-expanding population but there are less harmful ways to do this. The true chalk streams are only found in Britain (apart from a small presence in Normandy); we are custodians of these precious jewels & we owe it to our children and grandchildren not to undermine them" PAUL WHITEHOUSE - Comedian & fisherman. SW's turnover last year was approx £800 million, with a profit of more than £250 million. Their divis to corporate shareholders were somewhere over £100 million. Thankfully their operations and behaviour are now being scrutinised. See BBC news: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43139857 Documents for the public enquiry - http://www.hwa.uk.com/projects/itchen-candover-and-testwood-water-abstraction-inquiry/ Photo by Charles Rangeley Wilson5,787 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Jim Murray and Howard Taylor
Save Falmouth's Marks and Spencer's from ClosureMarks and Spencer's Falmouth has proved itself an integral part of the community, the cafe is always thriving with its iconic views of Falmouth bay with many locals including regular old age pensioners not to mention the tourists. The store is always full and busy, I am sure I am not alone when I say that I rely on the local Marks and Spencer for food. Cornwall itself is suffering with many cuts, this is the last thing it needs this will decrease the morale of the town with all the other closures that are happening. The next local store is based in the next town Truro, which does not seem far stretched out the way but when you consider the cost of public transport this will prove too expensive to do a regular shopping trip, or for the poor workers that will now need to make their way to Truro. It would be a huge shame if the space was to be replaced by another Poundland or charity shop. Please support this petition and sign it.3,141 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Wood Wool
Time to Clean up Scotland's Salmon Farming IndustryMany jobs and much of Scotland's iconic wildlife depend on the health of our coastal environment. But Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy & Connectivity (REC) is determined to expand Scotland’s production of farmed salmon by 2030. This would be an act of sheer recklessness given the grave concerns surrounding the industry as it is practised today. The REC committee will hold an inquiry into salmon farming in Scotland later this year. It is vital that we make our voices heard and let our MSPs know that there can be no expansion of salmon farming without radical reform. Here are the issues at stake: • Scotland's seas are home to incredible wildlife, including wild salmon, sea trout, porpoises, dolphins, whales and seals and are home to a wealth of life on the seabed which is vital to our valuable crab, prawn and lobster fisheries. They are under acute threat because of the harmful impacts of open net salmon farming. • A truly sustainable coastal economy can regenerate around many uses of restored seas and fisheries. Jobs are precious in rural areas. By allowing one industry to pollute the sea, we threaten jobs that use the sea sustainably, such as well-managed fisheries and wildlife tourism. By protecting them, the coastal economy can thrive long term. • Parasitic sea lice, thriving in overcrowded open net salmon pens, are driving wild salmon and sea trout numbers to dangerously low levels. • Toxic chemicals to treat sea lice now exceed safe levels in at least 45 Scottish sea lochs, and studies implicate them in harm to crustaceans and other forms of marine life far from the farm cages. • Some 130 salmon farms on Scotland's west coast use Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) to scare away seals with loud underwater noises. If the ADDs don’t work, fish farmers are permitted to simply shoot them.These ADDs also affect porpoises, dolphins and whales, even though it is illegal to disturb them. • Now the industry, with the government's support, wants to double its annual production to around 300,000 tonnes of salmon by 2030. The environmental impacts are already dangerous, so if you care about the health of our marine environment, please act now! Tell the Scottish Government that salmon farmers must clean up their act before they are allowed to expand. The Salmon Aquaculture Reform Network Scotland (SARNS) is a growing coalition of community, coastal and environmental groups and concerned individuals from all over the west coast and islands of Scotland. We are campaigning for immediate reform of the salmon farming industry. Find out more here: https://salmonaquaculturescotland.wordpress.com/clean-up-scotlands-unsustainable-fish-farming-industry/ Thank you!3,945 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by SARNS Salmon Aquaculture Reform Network Scotland
Keep Bristol's parks advertising freeOur parks are important spaces for our physical and mental wellbeing; places where we go to play, relax, connect with nature and escape the pressures of modern life. We feel that introducing commercial advertising would undermine these emotional, psychological and health benefits – especially in areas where children play. The Council is accepting responses until Monday 29th January 2018. Let's tell them that we want to keep Bristol's parks ad free. To use the terminology in the Council's consultation, we "Strongly Disagree" with Proposal 2 (introducing ads to parks and green spaces). You can see the full consultation here: https://bristol.citizenspace.com/neighbourhoods/parks-and-green-spaces/4,099 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Adfree Cities
Open fans say "No" to R&A's "No-readmissions" policyThe R&A has introduced a "no-readmission" policy so that spectators with general admission and hospitality tickets will not be permitted to re-enter the venue after leaving the course unless they pay again. The hundreds of thousands of fans who pay to attend the Open were not asked their opinion. This petition gives Open fans everywhere the chance to be heard and hopefully persuade the R&A to reverse its decision. Generations of fans have attended previous Opens to witness one of the world's greatest sporting events and soak up the off-course atmosphere. But the R&A's "No-readmission" policy will effectively lock them on-course all day - every day unless they pay again. This goes against the 150-year-old tradition of the Open and is not in the interests of spectators who are - only now - beginning to realise the full effects of these restrictions. We think the R&A have made a mistake by saying this policy will guard against the "inferior" and "unofficial" off-course hospitality. This is a slur on the hundreds of excellent pubs, eateries and cafes in all the host venues on the Open Rota. It will also prevent fans from enjoying the legitimate activities of the host communities whose residents, golf clubs, restaurants and other local businesses have traditionally helped Open fans to celebrate off-course by providing festival style entertainment; essential services; and hospitality at prices they can afford. Unless this policy is reversed, fans of the Open will no longer have the freedom of going off-course to stroll around the host town, visit local shops and cafes or enjoy an affordable sit-down pub lunch or restaurant meal. In fact, the wonderful festival atmosphere - which has become synonymous with the golfing prowess of the Open - will be lost. Tens of thousands of fans spend 10 hours or more on-course each day; and many buy a weekly ticket or a weekend bundle. They don't want to be trapped on-course each day - all day long - so the new policy will certainly not improve their enjoyment. It's also clear that only a privileged few can afford the on-course hospitality packages costing between £420 and £900 per person. The new policy is also very unfair and will mean that some of the Open’s biggest supporters will be penalised. It will curtail attendance by the very people who have worked so hard - day after day and all year around - to make our Open venues what they are today. Shopkeepers, club stewards, residents with young children, employees of businesses and many others won’t be allowed to go on and off the course to take care of their family and work based responsibilities so will probably not be able to attend or will have to limit their attendance. So, this policy will most definitely result in lower attendances. The 2018 Open will be staged on Carnoustie Golf links which were uniquely purchased on behalf of the people of the burgh around 1890. A great many of the residents, business owners and employees as well as the clubs who technically "own" the links will face weeks of disruption, loss of business and inconvenience but, because of the new policy, will not get a chance to see this marvellous event being staged on their own doorstep. We feel that this wonderful world class event is being spoiled by a policy designed to monopolise spectator revenues on-course while ensuring that local businesses miss out. It certainly has little if anything to do with making the event more safe or enjoyable for the spectators. In short, the fans who pay for the Open would like the choice but no-one asked their opinion – until now. For these reasons we request the R&A to reverse their decision in time for the 2018 Open and allow spectators with general admission and hospitality tickets to leave the Open course and re-enter the same day without having to pay again.705 of 800 SignaturesCreated by David Valentine
Nationalise Carillion nowUK construction firm Carillion is in huge financial trouble. It is being reported the UK's second-largest construction company is shouldering a whopping £1.5bn debt pile and could collapse into administration by Monday. Carillion runs prisons, schools and hospitals (some 12,000 beds) and employs about 20,000 people in the UK, with more staff abroad. Mainstream news coverage reports the government is in crisis talks with Carillion and lending banks HSBC, RBS, Barclays and Lloyds, who are demanding a taxpayer bailout. After bailing out RBS in 2008 without imposing Government control, it is unthinkable that Government would pour more public money into the coffers of Carillion's PFI shareholders. We believe that the government can help by simply nationalising Carillion and bringing the PFI contracts it manages back into public control. The only way to protect services and the staff is to nationalise, not line the pockets of shareholders, particularly any shareholders who have avoided paying tax on profits. Governments PFI experiment has failed, with 68% of the UK public agreeing PFI deals should be banned. it is now time to accept responsibility and do the right thing by nationalising Carillion. Furthermore, we ask that a forensic audit investigation is commenced into how a consortium which included Carillion - while in acute financial distress, was awarded a £1.4bn contract for the HS2 rail link. Important links The company that runs Britain is near to collapse. Watch and worry : Aditya Chakrabortty “To see what this means, take the HS2 rail link, where Carillion this summer was part of a consortium that won a £1.4bn contract to knock tunnels through the Chilterns. If Carillion goes under, what happens to the largest infrastructure project in Europe? What happens to its partners on the deal, British firm Kier, and France’s Eiffage? The project will need to be put back and the taxpayer will almost certainly have to step in.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/12/building-company-carillion-collapse-schools-roads-hospitals-hs2-taxpayers-bill Redefining Corruption - Public Polling on attitudes to PFI by Liverpool University https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/publications/redefining-corruption Blacklisting, workers rights, and privatisation: 'The day we challenged Carillion' http://peoplevspfi.org.uk/2015/06/18/the-day-we-challenged-carillion/ FT: Vince Cable warns taxpayers must not bear brunt of Carillion bailout https://www.ft.com/content/e9f0f06c-f7b4-11e7-88f7-5465a6ce1a00?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter2,026 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by John Burgess
Save A+M HireA+M Hire is one of the "Big 3" prop houses in Europe and the UK. It supplies period props and dressing for major feature films and TV dramas like ‘Victoria’, ‘The Crown’, ‘Game of Thrones’, the ‘Harry Potter’ films, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, ‘Murder of the Orient Express’ and many more. Due to the fact that HS2 require their premises as a construction site and due to circumstances beyond both A+M’s and HS2’s control A+M has to cease trading. As you may be aware there has been an upsurge in the film industry with companies like Netflix, Amazon and Sony making more and more productions in the UK, not only because of the tax breaks but also because of the facilities and skills we provide. Without A+M, who supply a huge amount of the props that are used in these films and dramas, the supply chain will be broken. Their stock is incalculably valuable, both in monetary terms and historically, irreplaceable and very often unique. It will endanger productions as inevitably the art department costs will soar as items, previously easily hired from A+M, will now have to be sourced from elsewhere, and almost certainly purchased, involving more upfront costs and considerably higher transport costs, both financially and ecologically, and of course, precious time. A+M’s collapse will also put all of their staff out of work, cause production costs to rise, and thus discourage companies to film in the UK and damage the film industry as a whole. This will obviously have a knock-on effect for all of the skilled crew that depend on the industry for their livelihood. We urge you to sign this petition, and hopefully prevent this shocking and debilitating loss to the industry.2,980 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Dominic Devine
No Bailout for East Coast Rail FranchiseThe only time this service ran successfully was while it was run by government after National Express handed it back after two years in 2009. In its five years as East Coast, the state-run firm returned a little more than £1bn in premiums, as well as several million in profits, to the Treasury. Detailed financial analysis from the Office of Rail Regulation shows it was one of two firms to make a net contribution to government coffers over the previous two years. Now, history is repeating itself. Grayling is terminating the contract with Stagecoach/Virgin and releasing them from the £2bn worth of payments they were due to make between 2020 and 2023. Guess who will pick up this tab. Not only that, but Stagecoach/Virgin will still be allowed to bid on future contracts. Unbelievable. I want Grayling to hold the franchisee to its obligations or bar them from future government bids. Other private companies in other sectors have backed out of their contractual obligations with impunity if their contract is not profitable within a couple of years, and it is becoming a norm. Public services should not succeed or fail at the whim of private firms' accountants. It is the government's responsibility to consistently fund those services on which the public depends for its health, security, education, transport and energy. If Grayling does not hold Stagecoach/Virgin responsible for its financial obligations or ban it from securing future contracts he should be sacked.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Crellin
save families first Johnstone,Foxbar,Gallowhill RenfrewshireFamilies first Johnstone, Gallowhill, Foxbar Renfrewshire provide lots of support assistance and guidance to families in johnstone/ Renfrewshire! These ladies are like nanny McPhee in the sense if you need them they are there!! 😁 They bring communities together and help families thru tough times weather it's providing a listening ear, or giving financial advice to even helping service users get back into work! Many families face challenges on a daily basis and they are there in a crisis to offer support and help families grow in confidence to push thru the hard stuff!! They also run workshops and fun clubs for our children encouraging families to get out learn new skills and meet other people essentially they take away some of the loneliness sometimes many parents face and give our children something to look forward too! if this service was withdrawn from our community there essentially would be nowhere for families to turn too for advice support assistance in a crisis, there wouldn't be any of these clubs for our children, essentialy the heart of the community would be lost! These ladies deserve a Pay rise but instead are faced with losing their jobs, but if we stand together maybe we could turn it around for many more years to come, save our families first Johnstone!! 😁👨👨👧👨👨👧👦👩👩👧👦👩👩👧👨👩👧👨👩👦👦568 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Donna woods
Stop 3.6% Increase on Southern Rail Fares in 2018For the past 2 years Southern Rail commuters have had to endure a horrendous train service with endless strikes, cancellations and train shortages. There have been people leaving their jobs, moving home and missing out on time with their family and loved ones and all because of the incompetency of the service and the people running it. Why should we now have to pay even more? There should be a significant reduction in the price to go some way towards compensating commuters for the misery they have faced and are still facing with no end in sight.428 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Teresa Baldock
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