• Save our operating manager
    He has provided drivers with the necessary support and encouragement to carry out our daily duties with increased morale and improved performance through understanding and flexibility in his approach to our needs concerns adversities. He has extended himself and worked hard prevent the reoccurring issues that we face daily In relation to health and and employee well-being. In this robust and challenging environment we as drivers feel that no other management team have successfully supported our team to such a high standard.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Denisha Parkes
  • Remove sweets from checkout area in shops
    Dear Sir, I was at the checkout in my local coop store. In front of me was a mother with 2 young children. She was struggling with her shopping at the same time as she was subjected to a lot of pestering from her children for sweets. I looked up and saw the panel which hid the tobacco products. The government has decided that it is of benefit to our health not to be reminded of this health hazard and, no doubt, there is a lot of research showing that removing the visual stimulus reduces the consumption. We are also told of an impending crises of obesity in children. I spoke to the mother about the nuisance of having sweets placed within such easy reach of children and at a place where she could not walk away. I also spoke to the store manager who, as a mother and grandmother herself, was very sympathetic, but explained that Cadbury is paying extra to have their products displayed in just such an area because " it makes parents buy them". Coop is proud of its ethical values. Is it not time for your organisation to take a lead and put the health before profits, to forgo a little money to help struggling parents keep sugar from their children. Please think about this and show your community that your ethical values reach all the way down to the shop floor. Sincerely Monika Brown , mother and grandmother
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by monika brown
  • Uber: play by the rules and get your London license back
    If Uber plays by the rules, they can get their license to operate in London back and none of us lose out. Transport for London have told Uber they are not allowed to operate in London because of a “lack of corporate responsibility”. This includes not properly reporting serious crime and blocking proper regulation. On top of that, Uber drivers are not being given the rights that people in employment should get. Uber needs to give drivers the rights they deserve and comply with TFL safety requirements, rather than let 40,000 people lose their jobs.
    13,167 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Organise.org.uk - The UK's workplace campaigning site Picture
  • Organic Teabags Shouldn't Be Allowed To Contain Plastic
    Britain drinks 165 million cups of tea a day. Council food waste composting schemes recommend composting teabags. The plastic layer within the bag will break down when composted and has the potential to enter the food chain and damage the environment. The 2007 paper 'Microplastic—An Emerging Contaminant of Potential Concern?' Dr M Browne, T Galloway, and R Thompson states "Organisms with a range of feeding strategies can ingest and accumulate microplastics." Section 41.6.8 of SOIL ASSOCIATION ORGANIC STANDARDS (AUGUST 2016) states: To minimise the direct and indirect environmental impacts of your packaging during its life cycle, you must: minimise the amount of material used, maximise the amount of material that can be reused or recycled, and use materials with recycled content where possible. Surely where teabags can be made using a string-and-tag system, this would mean that they should be in order to meet the requirements for organic certification?
    832 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Walton Picture
  • Prevent Pets at Home leaving single degus for sale
    Degus are social animals and need to live with company. They do better in groups they are familiar with as they can be difficult to introduce to other groups. Degus who live alone are at risk of depression even if they are lucky enough to receive lots of attention from humans. In certain cases, it can be impossible to integrate a single degu into another group, and leaving a lone degu behind from its companions can mean a lifetime of loneliness. While there are adoption schemes, many lone degus who enter such schemes are degus that were left behind and who were not sold with their group companions. We ask that Pets at Home ban their practice of allowing single degus to be left behind.
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bethan Roberts
  • RyanAir to compensate passengers left stranded this week
    Because Ryan air should not have left people out of pocket They should of done the decent thing and pay up
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Horton
  • Christmas doesn't start in September
    We don't need more plastic, more waste and more trash which gets created by pointless celebrations.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Devlyn Hardwick
  • No Tesco at Whitton/London Road Twickenham
    Twickenham High Street has a high turnover of shops, and the dreaded 'Twickenham Refurbishment' sees many small independent shops constantly close down. Another Tesco is not required on the parade killing the few small independent shops that are already established at that end of the high street. What is needed in Twickenham is variety of shops to bring a higher social impact to the community and more people to the high street. This is not a good location for a Tesco which will have an adverse affect on traffic and noise for local residential neighbours. Numerous alternatives exist that would better serve the local community and strengthen its economy in these tough financial times. There are already 5 other Tesco's within a short distance of the proposed location. When the planning application is received, planning officers must notify the public or neighbours, and consult with other council departments and any other affected people or organisations. The statutory consultation period is three weeks. I will post the link here when the application has been added to the online planning portal. If there are issues of concern, the planning department will instigate a review meeting within six weeks of registration of the application and identify amendments that could address any issue or problems.
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alex Powell
  • Save the Hope & Anchor
    This pub has been trading since 1892 and so it has huge historical reference in Pontefract and is shadowed by Pontefract Castle. The pub is loved throughout the community and is beginning to become a hive of music activity drawing bands from far and wide as well as catering for our talented local musicians. It is the home of Pontefract Scooter Club, who regularly host events to raise money for local charities such as The Prince of Wales Hospice and The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The Hope & Anchor is an integral part of the community and we should be saving these historical institutions not turning them into offices etc
    907 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Hallaways
  • Stop the Burmester Road mobile mast
    Have you noticed the new metal cabinets at the end of Burmester Road? They are part of Vodafone's plan to build a 15 metre mobile phone mast on the corner with Garratt Lane. You may have heard about this before. The original plan for the Burmester Mast was opposed by numerous local residents and rejected by Wandsworth Council in December 2016. Vodafone have always been well aware of this. Thanks to a legal loophole, Vodafone consider they can build the Burmester Mast anyway, within metres of Burmester House, despite the objections of local residents. Indeed, they sent the diggers in at the end of August to start work by building the cabinets. Mobile phone companies such as Vodafone should listen to local residents. There are acres of industrial use land on the far side of Garratt Lane where the mast could be situated, which would still give us better 4G coverage. Wandsworth Council are trying to find alternative sites, but Vodafone consider that legally they could still build the Burmester Mast. If we unite, we can stop this. If you want your voice to be heard, please sign this petition calling on Vodafone to relocate the Burmester Mast. It will only take 30 seconds.....
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Local Residents
  • Save the Black Lion Lampeter
    The black lion is a grade 2 listed building which is currently run by brains, who are going to shut the pub down from the 30th September. Many locals enjoy and drink In this pub which is run by a family orientated couple, who have gone above and beyond to make the Black Lion special again. Share and sign this.
    558 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Georgie Webster
  • Reinstate the Grosvenor 10
    On 30th August the G1 Group sacked 10 members of staff at the Grosvenor Cinema, Cafe and Lane for using a staff discount on food for their colleagues. The amount of money saved by staff on discounts range from £1.89 - £30. G1 workers made the company £66.6 million in revenue last year. If you think this is unfair then sign the petition and share on social media.
    11,739 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Better Than Zero Picture