• Force manufacturers to list ALL ingredients and a nutritional table on alcohol beverages
    This is incredibly important for consumers so that they can make an informed decision on whether drinking alcohol is something that they would like to do. At present we have no idea what they're putting in alcoholic drinks.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell Bishop
  • Display Carbohydrate value on front of all food packaging
    ALL carbs end up as sugar in our blood. To concentrate solely on 'sugars' (traffic-lighting) is misleading (and in some cases cruel) to many who strive for a healthy diet for themselves and their families. Clearly showing total carbs will help diabetics avoid serious complications. It may even guide the food industry to make ever better changes to prepared food. There is a growing low-carb movement (not just diabetics) as people are becoming aware of the links to weight management and other significant health benefits. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the UK (I am reg blind as a result of diabetes retinopathy) and reading the carb value can be difficult enough (even for those with great vision) as the writing is often so tiny. In most cases I end up taking a picture so I can then zoom in. This is very frustrating.
    1,279 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Mackay
  • Boots to pay staff in London the London Living Wage
    I have spoken to many Boots UK staff, who are all struggling to pay their bills from month to month. I think it is awful that members of staff who work 37.5 hours a week, are in a position where they are struggling to pay basic bills. Some even have to go to food banks to support their families. This needs to change. Staff members who currently work in London get approximately £3000 less than the London living wage a year. Based on the 2016-2017 Government figures for social housing in London, this equals to around 26 weeks rent. This is half a year's rent that staff are having to find by making cuts to their already tight budgets.
    6,187 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Foster
  • Save M&S Newmarket
    It is vital the store remains because many elderly people without access or an understanding of modern technology live in the town and for them this is one of their main suppliers of basic groceries like bread and milk. When I was younger, my grandmother would buy me my favourite treats from M&S; therefore it too holds a special place in my heart. This is why it is so important the store must remain open!
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nasir Rahman
  • Norwegian Air, please reinstate flights from Gatwick to Warsaw.
    The South coast of the UK has a large Polish community, links with Warsaw and Poland, business links, and important family ties.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Smith
  • Sustainable palm oil
    The preservation of the remaining rainforest is vital for the health of the whole planet, for slowing climate change, and to provide habitats for many endangered species. A BBC2 programme on 10 May will show the attempt to save the orangutans of Borneo, where most of the world's palm oil is produced.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Penelope Goodare
  • Block the merger between Asda and Sainsburys
    It will undermine competition in the market for groceries thereby allowing food prices to be raised and damaging consumers need for value in a market which is so important to living standards.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurent Bradwell
  • Help Briton to become GREEN ON ITS ENERGY
    To make the UK a better and healthier place to live,and independent of other countries for our energy .
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Spencer
  • Stop using plastic pet food pouches
    In bid for cheaper shipping and customer convenience there has been a broad shift in the past decade from selling pet food in easily recyclable cans to pouches. But, these pouches are almost never recyclable because they are made from a thin layer of aluminium sandwiched between layers of plastic. More than ten billion plastic-aluminium pouches, containing things like pet food and baby food are sold each year in the UK. Shockingly, less than one in 20,000 of these is recycled. The rest end up in landfill sites or they are incinerated. If Mars and Nestlé went took the simple step of going back to selling their pet foods in recyclable tins and aluminium trays this would prevent millions of tonnes of plastic being ploughed into our earth.
    6,308 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Gillian Davies
  • Keep the last bank in our Town
    This is the last bank in the community and must remain open and a fully functioning bank branch to allow the residents and businesses in the town to function, trade and undertake their financial affairs. Whilst there remains a Post Office and some banking can be undertaken through this two kiosk facility in part of the co-operative supermarket it is not an adequate or appropriate banking facility for our town. The nearest alternative bank is at least 2.5 miles away in the neighbouring town of Cannock. This branch is constantly busy and transport links and times of access will hinder the trading hours and conditions of businesses; increase the risk of crime with cash takings being transported greater distances and routes; isolate vulnerable members of our community with limited access to longer public transport journey times. Hednesford has been undergoing considerable housing and business expansion over the last few years and this will accelerate further in to the next few years including a significant increase in tourist and leisure visitors through the town to Cannock Chase an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and premium destination for mountain biking. Hednesford has always had a Lloyds, we implore you therefore to reconsider.
    536 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Paul Woodhead
  • The Daily Mile: Don’t accept funding from fracking company INEOS
    Running a Daily Mile may be good for children’s health, but scientific studies suggest fracking is quite the opposite. A recent comprehensive report stated that fracking threatens the health of local residents "1 Growing evidence shows that [fracking] regulations are simply not capable of preventing harm" "2 Fracking and the disposal of fracking waste threaten drinking water" "3 Drilling and fracking contribute to toxic air pollution and smog (ground-level ozone) at levels known to have health impacts." http://concernedhealthny.org/compendium/ Not only that, fracking has been shown to have a detrimental effect on climate change, endangering children’s health and lives for years to come “World may hit 2 degrees of warming in 10-15 Years thanks to fracking”, Says Cornell Scientist https://www.desmogblog.com/2018/04/11/climate-change-two-degree-warming-fracking-natural-gas-rush-ingraffea For more information about INEOS Ineos 'misled' public over fracking in Sherwood Forest https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jan/05/ineos-fracking-robin-hood-sherwood-forest?CMP=share_btn_tw Desmog Uk background on INEOS http://www.desmog.co.uk/ineos
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Swingler Picture
  • PayPal should lift the ban on CBD Products!
    CBD is a legal product to sell and is an amazing health supplement! Despite this, PayPal have taken an anti-business stance that won't allow CBD product sales from certain businesses. PayPal states it "breaks the terms of its policies", however fails to show or explain where this is stated. Additionally you can use PayPal to buy CBD oil via a website owned by PayPal's parent company? A small farmer or oil producer can really benefit from the use of PayPal for their business, so you can't help but feel maybe they are being targeted and this is not right. I believe it's important for us all to do our part in stopping this from happening, please help by signing this petition and sharing with your friends. Thank you all!
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lauren O'Malley