• Free Cash Machines Tax
    Banks are closing branches and moving online. Older people, people without transport or in rural communities may struggle to get to a bank branch where they can make free cash withdrawals. This isn't a tax on 3rd party (non-bank) businesses, it's a tax on the disadvantaged, the elderly (both of which still prefer cash) and rural communities.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Tozer
  • inequality in planning rules
    When an application for planning permission is refused by the local planning authority, an appeal can be made to the Secretary of State against the decision. However if planning permission is granted either by the local authority or by the Secretary of State (who has no local knowledge) there is no right of appeal. This blatant inequality needs to be removed. In our area there have been totally inappropriate speculative housing developments, granted to a big national builder, when the company appealed to the Secretary of state, after the local planning department deemed the development unsustainable. Currently a planning application for a large housing estate on the field similar to the one shown is going to appeal All we are asking is the same right of appeal for local people as is already given to developers, against a a planning decision with which they are not happy.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Stanley
  • Stop Selling Off East Oxford
    The community resources the council seems keen to knock down support a range of groups that connect our community. Without them many vulnerable people will lose support and spaces that they need, and all of us will lose affordable community led activities (including dancing, singing, sports and sewing clubs).
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Taylor
  • Reinstate cash payments on London buses
    Transport for London recently decided that bus passengers would no longer be able to pay their fares with cash, but instead could only pay with Oyster cards that need to have credit put on them in advance, or with contactless debit cards. This means that if someone doesnt realise their Oyster card has run out of credit, and doesn't have a debit card (as many don't), they are unable to use the bus. This leaves people stranded and unable to use the only form of transport available to many. It is often difficult to find a shop which will put credit on the oyster card, and all the machines are switched off at 9 or 10 o'clock. If you lose your card or can't find a shop that does it, you are stranded. It is impractical, not fit for purpose, and discriminates against those who can not afford other means of transport.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Fox
  • Save the Dinder Bus!
    Apart from rural footpaths, the only way to and from Dinder is by road; without a bus service then school kids, mobility impaired and elderly residents, as well as their friends and family in the local area, will no longer have the independence the bus service provides. Destroying rather than building environmentally-friendly transport networks, while giving no alternative provision is a terrible step backwards, affecting us all.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Gilson
  • Cut House of Lords Attendance Allowance
    The recent scandal involving Lord Sewel has highlighted the fact that peers can claim a £300 allowance for sitting in the Upper Chamber. Surely this level of subsidy is the real scandal here!
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurence Gamlen
  • Get parliament to legislate to reintroduce reusable asthma inhalers
    The NHS and government constantly whine about how there's not enough public money for high quality health care, so why not instigate positive change by eliminating unnecessary waste? Big Pharma wastes billions from the national purse by making disposable medical implements. In their paradigm, waste and inefficiency makes their profits soar and grows their business because the public can always be relied upon to foot the bill. A simple way to stop the NHS hemorrhaging money is to curb this inefficiency. Too often we read reports about life saving operations that cannot be performed or expensive medicine that is withheld to suffering patients because of limited NHS funds, but the truth is that this will not stop until it pays Big Pharma to become efficient. Asthma sufferers are a good case in point. They literally cannot survive without regular use of their inhalers but are forced to discard its expensive delivery mechanism. Prior to the 90's the inhalers used to be smaller, cheaper and reusable but Big Pharma actively plotted and lobbied to make them much more expensive (see article) http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/10/heres-why-your-asthma-inhaler-costs-so-damn-much If we succeed in instigating this simple common sense initiative, the principle can be applied across the board. This will benefit all but the monopolists that don't seem to care less whether the 99% live or die.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amar Biswas
  • Petition for a whole yorkshire mayor
    Yorkshire is the brand and Yorkshire is our identity. To command loyalty and seize the public imagination the whole of Yorkshire must be included in a devolution settlement. Further, only a united yorkshire can adequately represent us at government and the EU level.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Stansfield
  • Reduce child poverty in Wales
    Child poverty in Wales is currently at 31% and has been growing for decades. This means almost 1 in three children in Wales are not receiving the basic essential things in life that will help even their children one day get out of child poverty and the problem is getting worse. Failing to do this will see further suffering of Welsh children and they will not be able to reach their true potential in life whilst indirect costs of government such as law and order, social costs and health related costs in future will escalate.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Crutcher
  • Bring back Merseyway clock!
    This feature was an integral part of Stockport people still look up to where the clock once stood to see the time it is nostalgic as well as practical. Sign this petition write to your MP's
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norah Cowpe
  • Free parking after 3pm on Wirral Car Parking & Reduced tunnel charges
    Offer the people of Wirral the same as other councils are doing in different towns and keep Birkenhead as a busy little town. Free parking after 3pm on all Wirral shopping car parks if Perch Rock is still kept free why not offer this to the shopping areas as new development keeps free parking as it busier there but the quite shopping areas have to pay to park What do our MP's Frank Field Angle Eagle To name just two there's plenty more that don't really seam to worry about they citizens of Wirral we pay for tunnel for the privilege of living here it's only the Wirral people that use it to go to work outta the areas
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Kostanczuk
  • We need Jeremy Hunt MP to get NHS England to fund Vimizin for Morquio sufferers
    It gives Morquio sufferers a better quality of life and prolongs their lives. It is vital. Our 6 year old son Harvey suffers from Morquio and as desperate parents along with all other Morquio sufferers, we really need this drug funded. NHS England could not come to a decision about funding and passed the buck to NICE.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Brown