• Reintroduce Politics to the youth
    During the latest EU referendum it was apparent that the youth of the country did not want to leave the EU. Unfortunately the percentage of young voters (18-25) was too low to make a difference. It's thought that during the 2015 general election only 52% of the eligible young voters participated. Whilst up from the 38% experienced during 2005, it's still well below that of other demographics. By educating future generations around the importance of voting along with the practicality's of how to vote, voter apathy can be reduced before it's a problem.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaran Pereira
  • Zero tolerance on perpetrators of racist attacks after brexit
    Racist attacks have increased dramatically since brexit.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Wilkinson
  • Call for a three option referendum in the Brexit leave deal. Accept/decline/stay
    This is important as many voters feel mislead after the referendum. This will give the whole of the UK time to understand what is really on offer at the end of negotiations. Will immigration be reduced, how much money will we really have available after withdrawal. This will ensure Brexit negotiations will focus on what has been promised, and show the voters what is on offer.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Brett
  • Introduce "Contempt of Community" law
    The proliferation of cynical lies contained within the recent referendum debate from both sides of the argument has exacerbated the divisions and mistrust now held by our people. The subsequent admissions of the use of false information by some have the potential to depress voters and increase the feelings of the lack of integrity within our society. We all deserve a better attention to truth than is currently displayed.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Iain Johnson
  • Re-run the UK referendum on EU membership
    Those who voted in the EU referendum did so without the accurate, balanced, specific information they needed on which to make an informed judgment. As a result of the vote for Brexit the UK has been plunged into economic, political and social turmoil and uncertainty that will last for years and are likely to damage the country profoundly. Millions of those who voted Leave are now realising the vast, complex and negative impact of their choice, for the UK, Europe and the world - and so are those who voted Remain. Ireland voted NO in both referendums on the Maastricht and Nice Treaties, and on both occasions the Prime Minister went back to the people to vote again - and both times they changed their vote to YES. The same can be done in the UK. David Cameron needs to have the courage to swallow his pride and take responsibility for restoring stability and creating unity in a country which desperately needs both.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsay Wittenberg
  • We need open primaries for Labour leadership
    The PLP argues that Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable. The party members disagree. We need more people to believe in the Labour leader if we want to govern again. A nationwide series of open primary elections (as seen in some states in the US) will allow the voters to choose the candidate most preferable to them. A relevant change to leadership election rules is needed to settle this question once and for all. The result will be indisputable, and must be accepted by all, and is more likely to lead to a General Election victory.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saad Ahmed
  • Give us a better democracy, without the House of Lords and with a constitution
    Having been so careless about the future last Thursday we owe it to ourselves, and those who follow, to ensure that there is a representative democracy that works throughout Britain. Having a sensible second chamber would remove the hypocrisy of criticising the EU institutions. It would also kill the shame of having the largest wholly unelected second chamber in Europe. Agreeing a constitution would force us to reflect on the importance and fragility of democracy and how we make sure that it reflects the interests of all.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Ashworth
  • Make voting in all UK elections/referendums compulsory
    Having lived through the recent referendum on Scottish Independence and last weeks referendum on membership within the European Union I feel our current democratic system is seriously flawed. I would like to see a move towards making it compulsory for everyone eligible to vote in a referendum or an election having to exercise their democratic duty. In order to ensure that each individual has had an opportunity to exercise their right I would like to see the inclusion of a "none of the above" box in each ballot paper, thus enabling those who do not wish to opt for the options availabe to still vote. I am aware that this system works successfully in other countries around the world. I think given recent events and the current political climate it is time to make a change to how we elect representatives, time to make changes to our political position in the world. I believe that making voting compulsory will ensure a fairer, more representative outcome.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheona Jenkinson
  • Government to uphold and act on recent referendum result to leave EU
    This is VITALLY important as this is our democracy at stake. If the government overturns or does not act on the majority vote to leave the EU then we truly do not have a voice in this country any more. We might as well live under a dictatorship. Where will it end if the government decide to not leave the EU against the wishes of majority of the British people - will they then hold a second election in the general election if they do not get the vote they want??! Please support this petition, there is everything at stake here. If we allow the government to renege on their promises now then this gives them open licence to do it again and again in the future and democracy will be truly dead and buried.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane McDonnell
  • A Fair Share for Wales
    Following the EU Referendum, there is much uncertainty for the Welsh people. EU funding was proven by facts and figures to be needed in many demographics of Wales. It covered several areas: Business, Education, Environmental, Tourism, Community, almost every area of our society. This funding made up for decades of inadequate UK funding for our Country by the UK Central Government. "Brexit" needs to be ratified by the UK's three devolved Governing Bodies, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Wales has the opportunity to re-write, and re-balance the short change we have been receiving. Austerity measures have hit Wales hard. Year on Year our Councils received less and less. With a promised huge amount of funding being returned to the UK's control, we demand the Local Government funding we were receiving pre-austerity, and "every penny" we were receiving from the EU. We want OUR FAIR SHARE. If we don't get a legally binding agreement to these funding demands from the UK Central Government, then we REFUSE to ratify Brexit.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Jones
  • Respond to the referendum with compromise, not division
    The EU referendum was advisory and the people gave you their advice. We told you that on this matter we were split down the middle: 48%-52% (35%-37%-28% if you include non-voters). That proper response to a balanced vote is not to comply entirely with the side that is ahead by a few percentage points. The proper response is to compromise. This is not a new idea. in 2010 we had an indecisive general election result and a compromise was reached. Rather than assuming that the referendum result means a country irreconcilably divided into two camps, a more sensible interpretation would be that changes to our relationship with the EU could be sufficient to produce a substantial consensus across the nation as a whole. Politicians should not try to wash their hands of this difficult process, under the pretence of carrying out the public's will.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasper Kent
  • Cancel the Parliament summer recess, in order to prepare for our leaving the EU.
    Their duty to the their Constituent's and the Country must come before holidaying. We need to have very clear and immediate action to come up with solutions to the massive upheaval's we are now faced with. It's pretty clear now that there was no strategy in place for the UK's leaving the EU. They should now be made to Sit untill this is resolved. After all there was not going to be any House business that had to be dealt with till after the Holidays. Also I should like to know how in these days of enforced austerity the Bank of England is able to offer the Banks £250 Billion to see them through any upheaval,when they were the root cause of the Global Economy almost being destroyed, and causing Europe to Force austerity upon us, along with the collusion of OUR Parliament. We're out of the EU and need to adapt for our new circumstances to the best of all our abillities now, not after the Summer Holiday Recess.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Walshe Picture